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Английский язык

Задания к дифференцированному зачету по дисциплине "Английский язык" для специальностей 220703 «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств»; 270843 «Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»; 151031 «Монтаж и техническая эксплуатация промышленного оборудования по отраслям» (1 курс)
Задание 1.
Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которых стоят в Prezent Indefinite Tense.
1.   The students translate French texts well.
2.   He likes to go to the theatre.
3.   I am going to the technical school.
4.   Do you live in Moscow?
5.   He will study English.
6.   He did not work at the factory.
7.   My mother speaks English well.
8.   Does Pete often go to the theatre?
9.   We do not study at school.
10. He will not read English books.
Задание 2.
Напишите в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.
1. She likes her profession.
2. I do the sums well.
3. You go to the factory every day.
4. We read newspapers every morning.
5. I got letters from my friends.
6. We discussed a lot of questions.
Задание 3.
Укажите номера английских предложений, содержащих правильный перевод данных русских предложений.
а) Я жил в Минске.
1. I live in Minsk.
2. I shall live in Minsk.
3. I lived in Minsk.
б) Вы дадите мне эту книгу?
1. Shall we give them this book?
2. Did you give me this book?
3. Will you give me this book?
4. Do you give me this book?
в) Они говорят по-английски.
1. They spoke English.
2. They are speaking English.
3. They will speak English.
4. They like to speak English.
Задание 4.
Образуйте инфинитив от следующих глаголов.
Travelled, got, paid, tells, chose, sat, will look, began.
Задание 5.
Перевести на русский язык.
1. He stood talking to her in a soft voice.
2. A group of laughing people came up to us.
3. They have to translate this text.
4. We are allowed to take these books.
Задание 1.
Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которых стоят в Prezent Indefinite Tense.
1.   Do you live in Moscow?
2.   It took me an hour to get to the technical school.
3.   Shall we go to the cinema?
4.   They live in Minsk.
5.   My sister takes English lessons.
6.   Ann did not speak English.
7.   Does she go to the cinema?
8.   Did you take my book?
9.   We help our granny with housework.
10. My sister likes to dance.
Задание 2.
Напишите в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.
1. I often meet this engineer here.
2. He goes to the factory every day.
3. You read newspapers every morning.
4. His sisters always give me books to read.
5. They returned home in the evening.
6. They discussed a lot of articles from these French magazines last week - end.
Задание 3.
Укажите номера английских предложений, содержащих правильный перевод данных русских предложений.
а) Он не работал на фабрике
1. He does not work at the factory.
2. He did not work at the factory.
3. He will not work at the factory.
б) Вы будите переводить этот текст?
1. Will you translate this text?
2. Did you translate this text?
3. Does he translate this text?
в) Мы работаем в саду сейчас.
1. We worked in the garden.
2. I like to work in the garden.
3. We work in the garden every week.
4. We are working in the garden now.
Задание 4.
Образуйте инфинитив от следующих глаголов.
Shall move, came, asks, ran, became, did, does, spoke.
Задание 5.
Перевести на русский язык.
1. He stopped to look at the birds singing in the tree.
2. When reading the book I found your letter.
3. I am able to read French.
4. I had to visit them.
Задание 1.
Укажите номера предложений, сказуемые которых стоят в Prezent Indefinite Tense.
1.   His life was hard.
2.   I want to be a technician.
3.   I was asked at the lesson.
4.   Does she study English?
5.   She works at a hospital.
6.   Did you read this text?
7.   My friend likes reading English books.
8.   She will study English.
9.   Pete's sister does not work.
10. Do you study at school?
Задание 2.
Напишите в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.
1. They often go there.
2. I usually read the newspapers at home.
3. She works at a hospital.
4. We write questions at home.
5. He opened the window before classes.
6. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.
Задание 3.
Укажите номера английских предложений, содержащих правильный перевод данных русских предложений.
а) Она работала вечером.
1. She works in the evening
2. She will work in the evening
3. She worked in the evening
б) Я пойду в техникум.
1. I shall go to the technical school.
2. I go to the technical school.
3. I am going to the technical school.
4. I went to the technical school.
в) Студенты сейчас переводят новые тексты.
1. The students translated new texts.
2. The students will translate new texts.
3. The students are translating new texts.
4. The students like to translate new texts.
Задание 4.
Образуйте инфинитив от следующих глаголов.
Sang, saw, visits, said, answers, followed, ran, will go.
Задание 5.
Перевести на русский язык.
1. Laughing loudly she came in to the room.
2. The children playing in the room are my sisters.
3. We must translate this text.
4. I shall have to go there.
Автор: Марчукова Антонина Петровна, ГБОУ СПО "Себряковский технологический техникум"

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