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Английский язык

Олимпиада "Английский язык" задания для студентов специальности: 220703  «Автоматизации технологических процессов и производств ( по отраслям) 270843 «Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.     How is called the simpliest form of control?
2.     Where is «On-Off» control widely used?
3.     How many types of control may be regarded as basic?
4.     What are the essential parts of a basic automatic control arrangement?
5.     How many kinds of current do exist?
6.     What are conductors, insulators, semiconductors?
7.     How is measured the capacity of a conductor?
8.     How electrical energy is produced?
9.     What are the measuring devices?
10.How can circuits be divided?
11.What is an electron?
12.How do you understand the term, «gravitation»?
13.Does static electricity differ from the dynamic electricity?
14.Shortly deseribe, please an electrosсope.
15.What is called voltage?
16.Is electric power is generated at power stations?
17.Do large currents need very thick wires?
18.How many volts has a car battery?
19.Does the high voltage drive a heavy current?
20.How is the current taken the far-off places?
21.Must the wires touch steel ?
22.Is an electricity the most important source of energy in industry as well?
23.Is automation impossible without electricity?
24.What kind of charge has the electron?
25.What is the name of a scientist, who in 1911 discovered an atom?
26.Name, please the main bricks of atomic structure?
27.What does mean the term « vibration»?
28.Is vibration of lation origin?
29.What does defermine the standards of technology?
30.Can the vibration be used in every possible device?
Автор: Марчукова Антонина Петровна, ГБОУ СПО "Себряковский технологический техникум"

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