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Industrial ventilation and air conditioning
             Ventilation - the exchange of indoor air, carried out using different systems and devices.

              As the stay of the person in the room air quality worsens it. Together with carbon dioxide in the exhaled air accumulated and other metabolic products, dust, noxious matter production. In addition, increased temperature and humidity. Hence the need for ventilation, which provides a ventilation - removal of contaminated air and replacing it with clean air.

              Air exchange can be carried out in a natural way - through the vents and skylights.

              The best way is artificial ventilation air at which the supply of fresh and removal of contaminated air is mechanically - by fans and other devices.

              The most perfect form of ventilation is the air conditioning - the establishment and maintenance indoors and transport by technical means the most favorable (comfortable) conditions for people to provide technological processes, equipment and instrumentation activities, preservation of cultural values ​​and the arts.

              Air-conditioning is achieved by creating the optimal parameters of ambient air, its temperature, relative humidity, gas composition, pressure and velocity of air.

              Installation for air conditioning equipped with means for cleaning the air of dust, for heating, cooling, dehumidifying and humidifying it, as well as automatic control, monitoring and control. In some cases with the help of air-conditioning systems can also be carried odoratsiyu (air saturation aromatics), deodorization (neutralization of odors), the regulation of the ionic composition (ionization), removal of excess carbon dioxide, oxygen enrichment and bacteriological purification of air (in hospitals, where there are patients with droplet infection).

              Distinguish central air conditioning system serving as a rule, the entire structure, and local serving one room.

              Air conditioning is performed via various types of air conditioners, and construction of the device depends on the purpose. Air conditioning use different devices: fans, humidifiers, air ionizers. In areas considered optimal winter temperature +19 to +21 ° C, in summer - from +22 to +25 ° C at a relative humidity of 60 to 40% and air velocity less than 30 cm / s.

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