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Classification pollutants
Air plays a crucial role in everyday metabolism in the body. Man can not live without air even a few minutes.

          Air is a mixture of gases whose composition varies with height.

          The effect of the toxic effect depends on the quantity of poisonous substances taken into the body (emergency chemically hazardous materials), their physicochemical properties, duration and intensity of the receipt and interaction with the biological fluids (blood, enzymes).

          Poisonous substances along with the overall exhibit selective toxicity, ie, they represent the greatest danger to a particular organ or body system. Isolated on selective toxicity:

1) with a primary cardiac cardiotoxic (many drugs, plant toxins, metal salts - barium, potassium, cobalt, radium);
2) nerve, causing mental impairment activity (carbon monoxide, organophosphorus compounds, alcohol and its surrogates, drugs, sleeping pills);
3) liver (chlorinated hydrocarbons, poisonous mushrooms, phenols and aldehydes);
4), kidney (heavy metal compounds, ethylene glycol, oxalic acid);
5) blood (aniline and its derivatives, nitrate, arsenic, hydrogen);
6), lung (smog, resins, gases).

          The toxic effect of the action of various doses and concentrations of poisonous substances may appear functional and structural (pathologic) changes, ie toxicity manifested as threshold doses and concentrations. But the result can be the death of the body and in the case of lethal concentrations. About the dangers of poisons can also be judged by the values ​​of the harmful effects of thresholds (single, chronic) and specific action threshold.

            Threshold concentration - is the minimum concentration of the substance under the influence of which changes occur in the body of biological indicators at the organismal level, beyond the adaptive reactions or hidden pathology.

          Nature of the impact of hazardous substances on the body and general safety requirements are regulated by GOST 12.0.003-74 which divides substance on:

1) toxic, causing poisoning affecting the entire body or individual system (CNS hematopoiesis), causing pathological changes in the liver and kidneys;
2) irritating, causing irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, lungs and skin;
3) sensitizers acting as allergens (formaldehyde, solvents, lacquers based on nitro-and nitro);
4) The mutagenic, resulting in disruption of the genetic code, modification of genetic information (lead, manganese, radioactive isotopes);
5) carcinogenic, causing malignancies (cyclic amines, aromatic hydrocarbons, chromium, nickel, asbestos);
6) affecting the reproductive (fertility) function (mercury, lead, styrene, radioactive isotopes).

Harmful substances and prevention of occupational poisoning

          Mainly due to the impact of unfavorable factors of labor and industrial hazards arise occupational diseases, the prevalence of which depends on the socio-economic conditions of the labor process and the state of technical equipment production.

          Prevention of occupational poisoning depends largely on compliance with preventive measures everyone working in industries with hazardous working conditions, as well as compliance with the rules of occupational health and safety. Preventive measures aimed at implementing the automation of production processes based organization of work and rest, the establishment of shorter working hours and additional annual leave in hazardous industries, free preventive nutrition, ventilation device rational relation to the peculiarities of production.

          Industrial poisons - chemicals used in manufacturing and providing in violation of safety regulations and health harmful effect on the human body.

          Acting on the human body, industrial poisons can have an adverse effect on the offspring.

          Prevention of harmful substances on the body involves the elimination of technology and acutely life-threatening poisons or replace them less toxic and less dangerous; shortening of working hours and vacations for the increase of exposures to poisons; proper ventilation, use of protective clothing, the use of masks, respirators or other protective equipment (protective pastes, ointments, etc.); organization of showers and a daily change of underwear production; periodic check-ups, preventive nutrition, medical prophylaxis (inhalers, dispensaries, etc.).

          Very important is the scientific justification of acts of sanitary legislation in the field of hygienic standardization of environmental factors. Necessary to establish the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area, ie those concentrations that during the working time is not working can cause diseases or abnormalities in health while you're working or long-term periods.

          MACs are required sanitary standards in the design of production facilities, processes, equipment and ventilation, as well as carrying out preventive and current sanitary supervision and mode in a production environment, to assess the effectiveness of health measures.

          Businesses and organizations must constantly projecting achieve minimum (below MPC) the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area.

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