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The most common infectious diseases
                    Infectious diseases - diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and transmitted from an infected person or animal to human health.

                    Mass distribution of some infections in the population (epidemic) or several countries (pandemic) may determine the fate of cities and countries.

                    Infectious diseases can occur in the presence of three components: a pathogen - pathogen susceptible microorganism (Human), factors for transmission of infection from an infected to a healthy body.

                    Ability to cause infectious disease pathogen depends on the ability to be implemented in certain organs and tissues, release toxins.

                    Susceptibility to infection by a number of biological and social factors - age, diet, living conditions, etc. Factors such as starvation, monotonous irregular diet, lack of vitamins, proteins in food, fatigue, overheating, overcooling, availability and other parasitic diseases, overcrowding favor the emergence of infectious diseases.

                    Are factors of transmission of the various elements of the environment: water, food, dishes, dirty hands (intestinal infection); with air from an infected person by coughing, sneezing, talking (droplet); by direct contact (fungal disease); transmitted through blood-sucking vectors.

                    Intestinal infections (dysentery, typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis, foodborne) pathogens fall mainly into the external environment with the faeces of patients and bacteria carriers, and the body of a man - through the mouth with contaminated hands, food, water. In the spread of intestinal infections a big role in saving time flies play.

                    When blood infectious diseases pathogens circulating in the blood and do not communicate with the environment, the transmission of pathogens from patient to healthy occurs only by mosquitoes - vectors. Vectors are mosquitoes (malaria, yellow fever), lice (typhus and relapsing fever), mites (encephalitis), fleas (plague flea typhus).

                    Infectious diseases integument pathogens enter the body through broken skin and mucous membranes, which often recorded. Human infection occurs both by direct contact with patients (sexually transmitted diseases) and for the use of bedding, towels and other patients (trachoma, scabies, fungal skin diseases, etc.).

                    Distinguish anthroponosis - infectious diseases peculiar to man, and they can only catch the person. It typhoid, dysentery, cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, measles, etc.

Measures for the prevention of infections

To prevent intestinal infections carried detection, isolation and treatment of patients and bacteria carriers, disinfect homes, fighting flies. Everyone should be sure to wash your hands with soap before eating, after using the toilet; wash fruits and vegetables and pour over boiling water before use, boil milk, use only disinfected drinking water; protect food from flies.

Some infectious diseases (influenza and influenza-like illness) can spread extremely quickly and cover large number of people.

Therefore, during the epidemic when a patient cough, runny nose, with a small increase in temperature it should be isolated at home and call the doctor.

For the prevention of infectious diseases carried blood detection and isolation of cases, the fight against blood-sucking insects, protecting people from the bites of blood-sucking insects, using mechanical means of protection (safety nets, curtains, clothing) and repellent agent.

For the prevention of infectious diseases carried integument detection and treatment. Strict observance of hygienic regime - using an individual baptismal linens, towels, etc.

For the prevention of zoonoses carried identification and isolation or destruction of diseased animals, disinfection of livestock locations, control of rodents, insects, carry out preventive vaccination to persons working with animals and pets.

For the prevention of many infectious diseases inoculate to create immunity to infectious diseases by pre-administration of a human vaccine, toxoids, gamma globulin, immune sera. This ensures production of active and passive immunity.

Vaccinations are carried out routinely and epidemiological indications.

To vaccinations carried out at a certain age are immunized against tuberculosis, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, mumps, and vaccinations carried out in natural foci of infection against tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis. To vaccination on epidemic indications are vaccinated against influenza, to improve population immunity when a danger of an epidemic of this disease.

Parents need to know what immunizations their child to be made, and what to spend and when. Accuracy term vaccination is necessary to observe, because the dates they will be most effective.

Safety vaccinations are an important means of combating infectious diseases. Thanks to them drastically reduced or virtually eliminated infectious diseases such as smallpox, polio, relapsing fever, plague.

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