
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Classification of the main forms of activity
               The concept of "work" and "work" is not clear. The term "work" means all activities associated with energy expenditure and output of the organism from dormancy. For any form of labor work is performed, but not all work can be considered employed.

               Career can be divided into physical and mental. This division is arbitrary, since no work activity is impossible without the regulatory role of the central nervous system, without willpower. In assessing the physical effort the notion of "the severity of labor", reflecting the strain on the skeletal muscles, cardiovascular and other physiological systems. To characterize the mental activity adopted the concept of "intensity of work", which reflects primarily the load on the central nervous system.

               Scientific and technological development is the transformation of the nature of work. In the middle of the twentieth century. of all the energy that was produced in the world, 96% was accounted for by human muscle power. Nowadays muscular energy in the overall energy balance of the world is only 1%.

               Mental work is among the very time-consuming and stressful. Found that a measure of human mental work load during manual cleaning and mopping the floor is 9%, the work on the lathe - 52%, in the management of a motor vehicle in the city - about 60%, and with thoughtful reading - 100%.

               For a person is important and absolutely necessary physical labor. There are disease states in humans mental labor, which to a certain extent due to a lack of physical activity: stoop, diseases of the joints, spine, obesity.

               There are four major groups of occupations: physical, mechanized, automated and mental labor. All these forms of labor are presented in current production, but reduced the proportion of the first two, and the last - increases. The severity of mental work during training increases due to the fact that occurs on a background of static electricity associated with the need for additional time to keep a certain position for a certain time.

               When strictly rhythmic activity excitation processes focus on less and less space cortex. Between the parts of the cortex that are "responsible" for the rhythm of physical labor, and those that govern a given mental work, as would occur disengagement. Both stations operate without interfering with and complementing each other. This is an important condition for creativity, productive combination of mental and physical activity. Regular alternation of excitatory and inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, the elements of diversity in the labor force - all this is very important for high performance, for emotional and moral and physical well-being.

Ways to improve employment rights

An important condition for high efficiency is the gradual inclusion in the work. People quickly included in the physical work than mental.

To improve work efficiency working person needs to know the dynamics of health, its different phases.

               Generating phase - the body adapts, adjusts to the operation. Improving coordination, accuracy and speed of movement emerges optimal working posture, set an economical mode of respiration and circulation. Phase sustainable working condition differs highest efficiency of the individual. After 3-4 hours of operation reduced. By this time, provided the break, after which the phase of generating, but shorter than in the early days of labor. Sustainable working condition lasts less and goes into a partial fatigue requiring resource mobilization body.

               Of great importance is the period of gradual "entry into the job." We need to start it without excessive greed and haste. "Gallop on the spot" is harmful, not only physically, but also in intellectual work. Every new feature should equilibrate with the existing system functions and skills. Well-designed and fulfilled a familiar sequence of a certain system and in labor, planned activities are always more productive.

               All work is productive and less tedious, if performed in a specific sequence. External rhythmic movements and labor practices are gradually becoming orderly. A so-called assimilation rate, the state of a high and stable performance. The more a person is trained, experienced in this work, the automaticity, easier and more economical in terms of expenditure of physical and mental energy, he performs the work. Compliance with certain metabolized by the body rhythm and tempo - the most important factor efficiency and health.

               Rhythm of work - the basis of high performance. It is usually determined by the nature of man, his purpose. But the rhythm of the work should be moderate, reasonable and properly selected in accordance with the physiological ability of the organism. Lack of priority in the implementation of technological operations, uneven loads during the day, week, month, reduce performance, lead to disorganization in the work, error-prone to fatigue, thereby disrupting the coordinated work of all the physiological functions of the body and leading to fatigue.

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