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Occupational hazard industrial environment
               Occupational hazard - factors of the labor process and the working environment, have a direct or indirect adverse effects on health and human performance, which under certain conditions can cause occupational diseases or exacerbation of common diseases.

               Industrial hazards may result from deficient in sanitary knowledge regarding technology, especially with the use of newly synthesized substances with strong toxic and allergenic properties, and to a certain extent a violation of technological regime and sanitation standards.

               By occupational hazards associated with technological processes in production, include: dust, noise, vibration, high and low temperature, high relative humidity, high or low atmospheric pressure, toxic and radioactive substances, ionizing, ultraviolet radiation and other electromagnetic waves , microorganisms, etc.

               Industrial hazards may be associated with the labor process - its organization, intensity and duration.

               Occupational diseases can occur as a result of physical, chemical and biological factors. For example, when operating in conditions of high atmospheric pressure (in caissons), if the transition from high to normal atmospheric pressure occurs slowly enough, the so-called developing decompression sickness. Constant industrial noise and vibration often cause hearing loss and development of vibration disease. Long-term inhalation of certain dusts leads to the development of pneumoconiosis or other lung diseases. Contact with radioactive substances and exposure to ionizing radiation can cause radiation sickness. Effects of chemicals on the body can be accompanied by intoxication, leading to the development of occupational diseases, such as poisoning of industrial poisons. May occur, and skin disease eczema, dermatitis caused by irritants.

               Low-range effect of ultrasound used in industry or in a by-production conditions, on the human body due to its influence not only in the contact zone, but on the entire surface of the body, including the organ of hearing and vestibular apparatus. Prolonged, repeated exposure to multiple ultrasound may have a depressing effect, which is manifested by weakness, drowsiness, reduced efficiency.

               Occupational exposures can cause a decrease in efficiency, the development of acute and chronic poisoning and diseases, growth in the total incidence of negative long-term effects.

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