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AIDS and its prevention
                 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which opened in 1981, affects both industrialized and developing countries. This proves once again how closely related the image and standards of life with health. Pandemic (worldwide epidemic) AIDS - a serious threat to entire nations and cultures.

                 Causative agent - the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was found in 1983, he attacks the immune system of a person inhabits the blood cells that protect the body from falling outside pathogens. For a person with AIDS, even those which are dangerous germs that are always present in the body and usually do not cause harm.

                 Disease develops slowly, lasts for several years, ending almost always fatal.

                 Early symptoms of the disease may include: weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, which does not disappear for a long time, malaise, unexplained fever, damage to the central and peripheral nervous system.

                 At later stages of developing chronic inflammatory and pustular skin lesions, genital cavity. Weakened body easily affected by bacteria, fungi; developing bacterial, viral, fungal complications. There are signs of pneumonia, prolonged diarrhea, mental disorder, nervous system.

                 Identified three ways of transmission of the AIDS virus: sex; transfusion of infected blood or use of contaminated needles and syringes; infection of the fetus or newborn from mother to child.

                 Among high-risk groups in the first place allot of people, promiscuous, and drug addicts, who often share syringes.

                 Each country develops its national program to combat the disease.

                 In our country the test system for the diagnosis of AIDS, which detect antibodies to the virus. Screened for the AIDS virus can be both at the place of residence and anonymously in specialized laboratories.

                 If a person - carrier of the AIDS virus show no signs of illness, take it under the supervision of doctors and regularly examined two or three times a year. Each carrier of the virus receives individual advice regarding the rules of conduct that prevent infection of other people at the same time excluded from the list of donors. Identified and examined the sexual partners of carriers of the virus.

                 Preventing AIDS developed in two directions: the establishment of production systems and disposable syringes for blood transfusion; adequate provision of condoms; strengthening the fight against drug abuse as the use of the same needle several addicts is one of the basic conditions of contracting AIDS.

                 Offensive threatening illness requires each person to comply with such rules of life, which will save your health and others. Effective methods of treatment has yet been found.

                 AIDS prevention prescribes sexual intercourse with a regular partner, condom use is mandatory in the case of relations with an unknown partner; rejection of sexual relations with people of the same sex; rejection of drugs.

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