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Industrial vibration and its impact on human
              Vibration - mechanical vibrations of solids. Vibration sources are widely used in industry and household pneumatic and electric, manual and power tools, a variety of machines,.

              Vibration is characterized by the displacement of the vibrating point from a stable position (amplitude) in millimeters and the number of oscillations per second. From these calculated values ​​vibrational velocity, expressed as an absolute (m / s), and in relative terms (dB), and acceleration.

              Both in production and in everyday life vibration may cause adverse effects on human - lead to a breach of a number of physiological processes, and prolonged systemic exposure - to the development of vibration disease.

              Conditionally distinguish local vibration, acting mainly on hands working, and overall - when at oscillation floor seats (workplace) to vibrations affect the whole body.

              When vibration disease, evolving under the influence of local vibration is characterized by:

1) pain in the hands, often at night;
2) whitening cold fingers;
3) numbness and coldness of hands;
4) pain in the heart.

              This is due to blood circulation in the peripheral vessels. Is particularly vulnerable to pain sensitivity, reduced skin temperature of the hands and feet. The degree of reduction in sensitivity increases with the duration and severity of the disease.

              Violations take place in the activity of the endocrine glands, internal organs and metabolic processes. Under vibration with large amplitude violations occur in the muscles, ligaments, joints, bones. There is a weakness, fatigue, irritability, headaches, poor sleep.

              With a total vibration often suffers especially vestibular system, there are headaches, dizziness.

              For the prevention of vibration disease along with hygienic standardization eliminates vibration of machinery, equipment and tools by balancing the forces causing vibrations. Measures are taken to reduce the transmission of vibration using elastic elements and vibration damping introduced processes that limit or completely eliminates contact working with vibrating surface.

              Necessary to observe the working rational regime of work and rest and use of personal protective equipment, such as anti-vibration gloves and shoes.

              The most important measure to prevent vibration disease is strict adherence to the established rules of operation in terms of vibration and safety standards.

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