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Formation of gender relations
1. Sex education: sex education, sexual roles and proper sexual behavior

               Failure and improper upbringing, adverse sexual experiences, false acceptance facilities, deformed or archaic notions of masculinity and femininity can negatively affect the moral and mental health of the individual.

               Sex education is part of moral education. The purpose of sex education: to educate the whole person, capable to realize the social and moral norms, their psychological and physiological characteristics and thus to establish optimal relations with people of their own and the opposite sex. Sex education should help the developing person to master the role of a boy or girl, boy or girl, and in the future - not only as a man or woman, but the husband or wife, father or mother, in accordance with the socio-moral principles and hygienic requirements.

               Received the younger generation gradually, according to age, the correct information about the manifestations of sex will help to reduce ignorance, shameful, taboo of secrecy in matters related to these manifestations. Knowledge of these issues can prevent the occurrence of bad habits in children and premature awakening of sexual desire. Help them adjust to the upcoming maturity, ease related experiences, not only to prepare for the normal development of reproductive functions, but also to instill a sense of responsibility in relationships with people of the opposite sex, prevent the occurrence of possible future conflicts in married life.

               Psychohygienic important task is prevention of somatic and neuropsychiatric disorders that could result from defects of sex education. Excessive focus on issues of child sex, especially the thought of his inadequacy, corruption, guilt because of the inability to be different (usually reflecting ignorance development features of your gender) are often content conflicts underlying neurotic disorders.

               Education plays a key role in determining sexual identity, the real direction of the male and female accessories in shaping moral position. These factors lead to an understanding of sex development in humans: sex drive in its specifically human form is the result of biological and socio-psychological factors. Sex education as part of moral education should help man to find and realize their individuality in a sublime, noble and humane, and not in the vulgar, low-lying and voluptuously-willful.

2. Marriage and family culture of gender relations

               Quality required of the spouses to create a strong family: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, the ability to find common ground in all situations. Speaking of psychological enigma sexes male female logic is not available, and vice versa, namely, the logic of feelings, emotions. Women do not understand men detachment from everyday worries, they are more inclined to trust communication, more emotional, less restrained. Women and men in relation to their particular love. The women in the first place ethics, psychological appeal of men, so they always want to hear in your address endearments, men as "love eyes."

               Important seriously and considered approach to the establishment of the family, which would be based on mutual attraction, mutual respect and common interests. However, the choice of partner usually occurs early in life, when life experience is limited.

               Ignorance of the basic conditions of sexual life of boys and girls, young spouses denies them proper care and often leads to fatal mistakes.

               It is important to have an understanding of anatomy and functional features of the genitals - male and female, to know the mechanism of conception, birth of a new life.

               Engaging in intimate premarital relationships, young people do not represent their consequences, do not think about the possibility of pregnancy, venereal diseases or AIDS. Initially, the child - an occasion for a family, then the child is the same reason for divorce.

               Sexual life affects the formation of such social aspects of life, like family and parenting.

               First of all necessary commonality of interests, about the same level of seriousness and deep respect, feelings of love and friendship. Sexual relations between spouses are based on a deep emotional attraction, but not only do they determine the strength of the family.

               Healthy lifestyle associated with skilful family planning based on the idea of ​​maintaining health. Planning - is the birth of a child at the time when this appeared necessary conditions in the family. Determines the nature of the relationship of spouses fertility affects the outcome of pregnancy, affects various health indicators. According to the observations of physicians healthy babies born to women aged 25-35 years and men aged 24-40 years. Getting rid of an unwanted child through abortion often brings irreparable harm women. First abortion in 15 cases out of 100 causes of secondary infertility.

               Human life can not be considered complete if it does not know the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.

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