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The main tasks of self-tutor
To keep pace with time, the caregiver must constantly improve their knowledge, to master advanced teaching technologies of education and training and thereby provide an opportunity for its development.
                 Self - a purposeful cognitive activity, driven by the person for the acquisition of knowledge in the system of any field of science, technology, culture, politics, etc. SI Burns defines self as "the acquisition of knowledge through self-study without the help of a teacher."

                 Self to replenish and specify their knowledge to implement deep and detailed analysis of emerging work with the children situations. The teacher, who owns the independent work skills, has the ability to prepare and go to targeted scientific and practical research that indicates a higher occupational, educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of educational and educational process and effectiveness of pedagogical activity.
An important prerequisite of professionalism is properly organized and the work carried out by self-education.
                 Improving the quality of training and education at an educational institution depends on the level of preparation of teachers. It is indisputable that this level should continue to grow, and in this case the effectiveness of various training courses, seminars and conferences without a process of self-education is low teacher. Self - there is a need creative and responsible person of any profession, especially for professions with high moral and social responsibility, which is the profession of teacher. "Teacher learns life" - this is a known truth. Caregiver is in constant development and his working life is a researcher. A particularly strong influence on the formation of educators, professionalism provides scientific and methodological activities.

                 This activity involves:

     constant introduction of modern scientific research scientists in the field of teaching different disciplines;
     study of progressive experience of colleagues on the organization of various forms of organization of the educational process;
     introduction of new programs and concepts of training and education, their evaluation, etc.

                 Currently caregiver is able to select the most appropriate form for themselves improve their professional and methodological expertise. All forms of self-study can be divided into two groups: individual and group. In the individual form of the initiator is an educator himself, and heads of methodological and administrative structures initiate and drive the process. Group form a methodical association activities, seminars, workshops, training courses, certification provides feedback between the results of the individual self and the teacher himself.

                 There are several definitions of the process of self-education. Ozhegova Dictionary gives the following definition: "Self-knowledge acquisition through self-study," it is aimed at broadening and deepening of professional teaching knowledge and skills, improving the level of subject training. Self - self-conscious process of cognitive activity.

                 Here's how to define "self" Pedagogical dictionary:
"SELF, purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the person; systematic acquisition of knowledge in a field of science, technology, culture, politics, etc. The basis of self - interest in dealing with the organic combination of self-study material. "

                 If the process of education ...:
1. Implement voluntary;
2. Implemented consciously;
3. Planned, managed and controlled by the person;
4. Necessary to improve any qualities or skills
... We are talking about self-education.

                 Self-education is a necessary condition of the teacher professional educator. Society has always imposes, and will bring to tutor the highest demands. In order to teach others need to know more than everyone else. The teacher must not only know his subject and his own method of teaching, but also have knowledge in scientific fields nearby, various spheres of public life, to navigate the modern socio-political and economic situation. etc. Ability to self is not formed in the teacher with a diploma pedagogical university. This ability is determined by psychological and intellectual performance of each individual teacher, but to a lesser extent this ability is produced in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and introspection, monitoring their activities and those of his colleagues.
However, no matter how high the ability of teachers to educate themselves, this process is not always implemented in practice. Reasons that teachers often called - is the lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc., but a single process of self-improvement should be an integral requirement of each teacher.

                  You can define the components that need, motivations for self-educator:

     Daily work with information. Preparing for the lesson, performance, parent meetings, classroom hour, school-wide event, the Olympics, etc. in the teacher becomes necessary to retrieve and analyze new information
     Desire to work. The teacher-educator - creative profession. Creative people can not from year to year to work on the same yellowed lesson plans or script, read the same reports. You should see a desire for more. Work should be interesting and fun.
     The rapid growth of modern science. Especially psychology and pedagogy. In an era of worthless cars use a cart.
               Changes in society. These changes primarily affect the alumni, form their worldview, and therefore very often form an image of the teacher as a "human unmodern"
              Public opinion. The teacher-educator is not indifferent, consider it a "good" or "bad." Bad teacher and educator to be insulting.
              Financial incentives. Category teacher-tutor, opinion certifying commission, bonuses, allowances, and perhaps even the government awards and titles - it all depends on the skill and skill of the teacher. Without a constant absorption of new knowledge that can not be achieved.
             Interest. Learn just wondering. They say: "Physician - heal thyself!" As someone who teaches every day, there will be constantly learning. Does he have the right to teach and educate then?

                 If we imagine the activities of the teacher-educator in the field of self-verbs list, you get: read, study, test, analyze, observe and write. What is the subject area of ​​the application of these verbs?

                 Explore and implement new teaching technologies, forms, methods and techniques of teaching

     Attend lessons, activities, including extracurricular activities, clubs, and colleagues to participate in the exchange of experience
     Conduct periodic self-examination of their professional activities
     Improve their knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy
     Systematically interested in the events of contemporary economic, political and cultural life
     Improve their erudition, legal and general culture

                 Self as a permanent activity of the teacher-tutor includes:

     research work on a specific issue;
     visit libraries, scientific study and training materials;
     participation in teachers' meetings, subject MO;
     attendance, the lessons of his colleagues, exchange of views on the organization of classes, teaching content, teaching methods;
     theoretical development and practical testing of different forms of lessons, extra-curricular activities, their own training materials.

                 Each activity is meaningless if its result is not created a product, or do not have any achievements. And on a personal level of self-educator must be a list of results to be achieved over a certain period of time.
                 The more information, methods and tools in their work the teacher uses, the greater the effect of his work. But most importantly - the desire to work on a tutor and teacher's ability to create, learn, experiment and share their knowledge and experience acquired in the process of self-education.

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