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Contests for students
Regulations on competition of professional skill in the profession "Welder"
1. Dates and venue of the competition

objectives of competition
     - Determine the degree of quality of vocational training students of primary vocational education.
     - Promoting and enhancing the prestige of the profession "Welder".

objectives of the competition
     - Improving the professional skills of students, the introduction in the educational process of new technologies, techniques and methods of rational labor.
     - Encourage participants.

participants of the contest
     - The competition is held among the students of final groups schools NGOs.
     - The competition is the team of 3 people from the educational institution.
     - Applications will be accepted until e-mail: or by phone.

Terms of a tender
     - Business Card Teams: 2-3 minutes.
     - Check the participants of theoretical knowledge and practical tasks.
     - Knowledge of the theory is carried out in the form of tests in the subjects of professional unit:

         "Equipment, technique and technology of welding and cutting metals";
         "Welding Technology";
         "Occupational Safety";
         "Materials" (electrodes).

     - Case study: the competitive welding samples - 5 mm thick plates in the flat and horizontal positions. For site preparation is given extra time.
     - To carry out practical tasks for all the participants provided equivalent jobs: welding booths, ballast resistors and GMR-1001.
     - The overall result of a practical assignment consists of estimates of its elements:

         compliance with welding techniques;
         compliance of welding;
         labor safety regulations;
         compliance time;
         evaluation of the quality of the product.

     - Failure to comply with technology and safety violations contestant disqualified from further performance of competitive job.
     - Each participant must be in possession of clothing, protective equipment necessary measuring instruments, electrodes, metal.

Results of the competition
     - The jury assesses the performance of the contestants on the same criteria for judging.
     - The team won first place at the Regional Competition is directed to participate in competitions.
     - Trainers who prepared the contestants receive letters of gratitude.

     Each team has the right to invite to participate in the support group up to 7 people.

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