Mug for students
Events mug
- Analysis of articles in magazines and newspapers (discussion and advocacy groups).
- By presentations of information
- Within a week of the cycle Commission to Olympics among college students
- Performance of the research work:
- Discussions - conversations
- Explore themes according to The curricula.
- Studying works of Nobel laureates
- Using TCO in the mug
- Literary Nandigram: familiarity with the way of life of their homeland
- Accumulation mother for thematic newspapers
- Accumulation of modern methodological and regulatory
- Accumulation of modern methodological and normative material for qualified study themes .........
- Accumulation of handouts for practical training
- Organize the production of newspapers
- Discussion Recent literature
- Making a stand reflecting the work mug
- Organize and conduct tours
- Contents stands on .......
- Organize a competition crossword puzzles and math among students
- Organize an excursion, to get acquainted with the sights of his native land
- Arrange a viewing of films and documentaries about .....................
- Contents stands, wall newspapers
- Arrange a viewing videos on topics ........
- Organize a group of lecturers to promote legal knowledge
- Continue creating methodical material for lectures and practical work in the disciplines ...............
- To repair the old models and patterns.
- Continue creating electronic textbooks
- Take part in a week of special subjects
- hold a seminar
- Continue creation of multimedia and video
- Participate in the preparation and conduct of the commission week cycle.
- Continue to work the club
- Prepare a defense research and innovation projects
- Continue work on the translation of methodological material in electronic form
- To repair old appliances
- Fill handout for practical training
- To continue to build an electronic textbook
- To work on the accumulation of dispensing and methodical material for
- independent and practical works
- Participate in city and regional competitions
- spend KVN
- Continue to work on the creation of multimedia illustration program themes.
- Attract first-year students to creative work in the circle
- Prepare and conduct a themed evening
- Hold a competition of creative works (paintings, poems, reports) about ...................
- Continue to work on creating medioteki, video library, music library
- Continue completion of the catalog essays
- Prepare reports for the Conference
- Participate in the preparation of scenarios to the activities held and college groups.
- Solving problems of increased difficulty
- Work on the accumulation of models and patterns
- Develop a strategy for
- Broaden and deepen the knowledge ......
- Develop sketches and models ...............
- Develop a plan of the circle.
- Develop tests on discipline
- Develop a collection of problems in the discipline
- Create a creative team to develop a strategy and work
- Monitor the safety of the material and technical base of the cabinet construction machinery.
- Creating a new handout
- New Project. Contents foyer college project materials.
- Create a video library on discipline
- Systematization and analysis of the results of the circle.
- Crossword, tests
- A creative group
- Data collection for the research work
- Monitor the safety of the material and technical base of the physics classroom
- Creating a new handout
- Create a visual aid .......
- An illustrated album open lesson (activities)
- A creative group.
- Create visual aids in the disciplines
- Create new posters on various topics
- Improve the material and technical base cabinet
- Participation of students in creative collaboration with enterprises
- Participate in urban, regional and all-Russian competitions and Olympiads
- Participation in the work of the Scientific and Practical Conference
- Participate in gardening and interior decoration College
- Explore in depth ..........................