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Mug for students
Program mug "Modular Origami"
Explanatory note

Program mug "Magical World of Origami" is a general cultural program modified artistic and aesthetic orientation, based on the results of years of work on student learning the basics of the art of origami.
        Origami classes allow students to meet their educational interests, raise awareness in the educational field, enrich communication skills and the ability to acquire work together during the development program.

for the development of student origami

Teaches students the various tricks of the paper, such as bending, multiple folding, notching, gluing.
Develops students' ability to work with your hands, teaches them to the exact finger movements, they have improved fine motor skills of hands, is the development of eye estimation.
Learning focus, as it forces focus on the process of making crafts, learns to follow verbal instructions.
Promotes the development of memory.
introduces students to the basic concepts of geometry: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, top and etc.
Develops spatial imagination - teaches to read drawings, which add up the figures and present them on products in volume.
Develops artistic taste and creativity of students and activates their imagination and fantasy.
Improves labor skills, creates a culture of work, teaches neatness, ability to carefully and sparingly use the material to keep in order the workplace.
Much attention is paid to creating learning origami plot and thematic compositions that use products made in the art of origami.
The purpose of the program.
Things origami on the full intellectual and aesthetic development of the students, and increase the effectiveness of their training.

Objectives of the program:

Relationship students with basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami.
Learning to follow oral instructions, read and sketch diagrams products.
Learn different techniques of working with paper.

Development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.
The development of fine motor skills and hand eye estimation.
The development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of students.

Education of interest to the art of origami.
Expansion of the communicative abilities of students.
Formation of work culture and improving labor skills.
Forms and methods of teaching

During the course, various forms of study:
traditional, combined and practical exercises; lectures, festivals, contests, competitions and others.
Also, various methods:
Methods, which are based on a way of organizing classes:
verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.);
visual (display video and multimedia content, illustrations, surveillance, display (execute) a teacher, work on the model, etc.);
practical (complex instruction sheets, diagrams, etc.).
Methods, which are based on the level of activity for students:

explanatory and illustrative - students perceive and assimilate information ready;
reproductive - reproduce students mastered the knowledge and ways of working;
partial search - participation in a collective search for the solution of the problem together with the teacher;
- Research - an independent creative work of students.
Methods, which are based on a form of organization of the students in the classroom:
Front - simultaneous operation of all students;
individual-wheel - the alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
Group - an organization working in groups.
• individual - individual performance of tasks, problem solving, etc.

Expected results

As a result of this training program, students:
- Learn the various methods of working with paper;
- Will know the basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes;
- Learn to follow oral instructions, read and sketch diagrams products; origami to create products using instructional maps and charts;
- Will create a composition with a product made in the art of origami;
- Develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills and hand eye estimation; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.
- Become familiar with the art of origami;
- Adept at working culture;
- Improve their communication skills and develop the skills to work in teams.

The courses offered
Introductory lesson. From the history of origami. Safety rules.
ABCs of origami. Basic rules of operation.
Symbols adopted in origami.
Folding the major parts of the modular origami.
Preparing for the New Year. Making major parts. figure number 1 'Christmas Ball. "
Collection figures: "Snowman."
Making major parts of figures: "The Swan", "Hare (boy)." Collection figures.
Making major parts of figures, "Dove", "Bull." Collection figures.
Prepare for March 8. Making major parts of figures, "Vase of Flowers". Collection figures.
Making major parts figure "Piglet"
Collection figures "Piglet"
Organizing an exhibition of handicrafts

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