
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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1.Organizatsionny moment

     inclusion of children in the activity;
     selection of the content region.

2. Updating knowledge

     play concepts and algorithms are necessary and sufficient for the "discovery" of new knowledge;
     fixation difficulties in activities known norm.

3. Staging educational problem:

     definition trouble his place;
     determining the need for new knowledge.

4. "Opening" students new knowledge:

     verification of the hypothesis.

5. Primary fixation:

     appearance of the new algorithms;
     fixation already issued knowledge.

6. Individual work with self-examination and self-esteem in the classroom

     independent solution of typical tasks;
     independent verification of the students of his work.

7. Repetition

     the inclusion of new material in knowledge;
     problem solving repetition and consolidation of previously learned material.

8. Subtotal classes

     reflection activities in the classroom;
     self-esteem students own work.

Techniques for creating problematic situations in the classroom:

     I bring students to a contradiction and offer them a way by his permission;
     outlines the different points of view on the same issue;
     offers classes to consider the phenomenon from different perspectives;
     encourages students to make comparisons, summarizing the findings of the situation, compare facts;
     put specific questions to the generalization, justification, specification, logic, reasoning;
     identify the problem of theoretical and practical tasks;
     put the problem tasks (eg with missing, redundant or contradictory data, clearly mistakes).

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