
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Didactic purpose of the lesson
Didactic purpose of the lesson involves the formation of students new concepts and ways of acting.

For example:

     highlight ideas and problems ......
     fix known modes of action to formulate the students knowledge about ....
     fix (deepen, develop) previously studied materials on ...;
     teach students to evaluate (anything) from the moral, aesthetic, political and technical points of view .....
     teach students to perform tasks on the model
     teach students to produce, implement ...;
     by involving knowledge of the area ..
     students create a solid ....
     teach students in a timely manner to prevent the occurrence of defects and scrap products ..;
     teach students to apply previously learned knowledge in the preparation of instructional .. technological documentation ..;
     teach work with reference books;
     teach the setting up process, instructional design and instructional technology-card;
     Learn to identify the sequence of transitions;
     teach: to perform technical calculations, reading working drawings using technical documentation;
     teach teamwork in the organization and implementation of ...;
     provide help students of law, features, properties ......
     to train a new mode of action, identify gaps in knowledge (what) .....
     generalize and systematize the knowledge of ..... (or on a specific topic)
     process skills (what) ...
     teach students the labor movement ...;
     trained labor actions and techniques ...;
     teach students the ability to anticipate the possible types of marriage;
     trained to recognize the signs of formal violations of the technological process ... based on attracting knowledge of ..;
     orienting basis of labor action at ..;
     generalize and systematize knowledge .. the study methods;
     educate the rational organization of the workplace and when the hardware is ready for use;
     assess the quality of screening test works in accordance with the requirements of qualifying categories ...;
     master students test cycle work;
     teach self-help and mutual control, self-correction;
     osuschssgvit quality control ... knowledge and skills in operations, integrated, test, verification activities ... etc.
     instill students with the ability to apply knowledge to new situations
     to bring students to the conclusion achieve assimilation .... etc.
     show the role of the main provisions of knowledge ... in the prevention and elimination of possible errors (causes of marriage) ..;
     trace the dynamics of knowledge .. algorithm to work, etc. ..;
     teach drawing algorithm labor actions and receptions;
     performed to reveal the essence of labor actions and techniques ..;
     develop independence in the performance ...;
     generate new concepts (new concept) .....
     formulate the ability to find the connection between the concepts
     form (work) in students the skills and habits ...;
     improve labor actions and techniques ...;
     form students a strong working knowledge of ... (specify);
     form and skills of the scientific organization of labor;
     form Skills: Prepare to work the equipment, tools, fixtures and keep them in good condition, and take take the work shift, pick up tool, eliminating minor problems in the tools, accessories; form of executive skills and technological discipline;
     systematize knowledge of technical terms;
     deepen previously studied knowledge ... when mining techniques ..;
     forming ability dismember processing into separate elementary, located in a logical sequence the steps to describe them;
     form the ability to define an algorithm labor actions and receptions.

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