
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Preparing for the lesson
Distribution of duties

     caring for the earth stands class;
     care living area in the classroom.


     collect interesting information under the heading "It's important to know";
     prepare messages for the children during epidemics of disease;
     fizminutki spend in the classroom;
     assist in the preparation for the march, sporting events, etc.


     All labor relations, organize and control the safety of furniture and order.


     Preparing holidays


     Duty in the classroom


     Students keen on learning, curious and willing to actively assist the classroom teacher.

knowledge of:

     Education, assistance to backward

Information sector:

     Leads the annals of good deeds and achievements of the class (Continuing)
     Bring to the attention of members of the children's organization solutions schoolwide Children Organization (1 per quarter)
     - "Lightning"
     - Wall newspaper (as needed)
     Exposes information to the site class (1 per week)

Cultural - recreational sector:

     Identifies and develops creative possibilities guys (Continuing)
     Prepares and conducts calendar holidays and entertainment (2 times a month)
     Organizes and conducts creative contests, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions (Holidays and weekends)
     Encourages activists and creative contests winners (as needed)




     selected material for scenarios, quizzes;
     style themed corners in the classroom, published newspapers;
     organize syurpriznyn moments (birthday greetings, holiday greetings, chevstvovanie winners, etc.)
     leisure activities of students.


     Students who love nature. They are responsible for the actions of nature and watching plants.

Our business:

     Work order in class


     Students performing the role of nurses. They monitor the cleanliness and neatness, conducting raids and providing first aid.

Press Center:

     The wall-newspapers, posters




     duty class, school, dining room;
     monitor compliance with the rules of conduct in the classroom, changes in the dining room.


     Children differ dance, artistic and musical talent and want to compose and perform.


     assistance in the classroom remedial classmates;
     assist the classroom teacher in the organization of training activities pupils'health;
     inform the class on subject weeks, competition;
     prepare and carry out intellectual games.

Sports sector:

     Promotes a variety of sports and attracts children to classes in groups and sections (Continuing)
     Conducting morning exercises before training sessions (daily)
     Organizes and conducts sports games at recess and after school (Daily)
     Involved in organizing and conducting sports competitions in the classroom and at school (1 per month)

Labor sector:

     Organizes and conducts work cleaning office organizes duty class (Continuing)
     Encourages distinguished children (As of summarizing the work)

Educational sector:

     Identifies underachieving pupils and helps them to correct the situation, establishes mentoring pairs (Continuing)
     Conduct raids to check the safety of textbooks, school - supplies, keeping a diary (1 per week)
     Summarizes student achievement (2 times per quarter)
     Identifies violators of school discipline and report thereon to the Council (1 per week)
     Encourages students for good work (1 per quarter)

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