
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Lesson Plans
In order to improve the training and conduct training sessions must be the teacher lesson plan.

                 Lesson plan is developed based on the work program and the program of discipline, calendar thematic plan is designed for a specific planning work of the teacher and students for organizing learning new material.

In the lesson plan can be introduced the following elements:

     organizational factor;
     Post goals and their motivation;
     check home building;
     control studies students precursor material;
     updated support knowledge;
     motivation of learning;
     study of new material, perform any work;
     consolidation and synthesis of the material under study;
     debriefing sessions;
     tasks for independent work of students after school.

Structure of the training sessions may be different. It depends on the type of lesson, didactic purposes, etc.

In drawing up the lesson plan must be maintained following requirements:

     correct and concise formulation of the theme;
     Clearly defined objectives classes;
     the validity of the form class, type lesson;
     Feedback content with life lessons, previously passed and are subject to further study material;
     methodological validity sequence of structural elements of the training sessions;
     rational dosage time on structural elements occupation;
     the right choice of teaching methods for each structural element;
     logical completeness classes.

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