
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Requirements for homework
For homework, the teacher needs to use creative work on the subject.
     To avoid overloading the teacher provides students the correct dosage of jobs in volume and complexity. Unreasoned, crippling student homework will not give a positive result.
     Homework fixed teacher on board, under the given entry in the diary to check this record.
     For homework offered these types of jobs that have already carried out by students in the classroom alone.
     Homework should be feasible for most students in the class.
     Homework may be frontal, differentiated or individual.
     Homework on the board should be fully consistent record homework on the subject of the class page of the magazine.
     The assignment must be clear to each student, ie all students should know exactly what to do and how to do (task clarity);
     Task should be an issue, a feasible solution for self;
     Task should predetermine its inspection;
     Job on the subject should be strictly regulated and coordinated with jobs in other subjects (to reflect the volume of tasks);
     Target should be uniform and the same type;
     Tasks should include questions that require the student to compare the abilities to analyze, synthesize, categorize, establish causal relationships, draw conclusions, apply the acquired knowledge to new situations, etc.
     Tasks aimed at mastering the lesson is given at the end of the lesson.
     Quest, aimed at securing a skill, given immediately after exercise, producing this skill.
     Task, controlling the knowledge of students, is given at the beginning of the lesson.
     By assignment should be instructed accordingly;
     Each task should be checked with the help of various methods.
     Need for homework should be justified.
     Learners should offer differentiated homework assignments involving the selection of their forces and interests.
     Prepare homework throughout the lesson.
     Degree of difficulty homework should be approximately equal to or slightly better those performed in the classroom.
     Think through differentiated individual homework for strong and risk students. The teacher asks the homework before the bell, with full attention of the whole class, giving the necessary explanations for its implementation.
     To minimize homework: your not the only thing, and the student should have homework in other subjects.
     Preserving the basic content of the homework can be partially individualize its purpose, scope, method of execution.
     Contents of the task should be clear to each student, ie all students should know exactly what to do.
     Teacher is obliged daily log the contents of a given challenge.

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