
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Preparing for the lesson
Types of homework
Performing oral exercises (to concoct examples studied by language rules, the definition of criteria for divisibility of numbers in mathematics, history table for memorizing stories, etc.).
     Execution of written exercises on languages​​, mathematics, physics and other subjects.
     Perform various written and practical work (exercise).
     Isolation of any signs
     Insert the missing letters;
     Select importantly,
     Accentuation of the main and secondary material;
     Implementation of practical and laboratory work in physics, chemistry and biology.
     Execution of creative works in literature.
     Refinement lesson materials drafting drawings, blueprints, familiarity with the material, are scheduled for consideration at the next lesson;
     Division of the educational material,
     Home control work;
     Textbook learning of the material and its retelling;
     Making tables, charts, diagrams of the studied material, etc.
     Study material for the textbook.
     Multiple iterations,
     Essay writing and other creative works.
     Find answers to the questions that will be addressed
     One for the whole class;
     Select facts, to make observations;
     Answers to these questions specifically teachers;
     Preparing reports on the studied material in high school.
     Observations on biology, geography, physics.
     Preparation of various charts, diagrams.
     Pick proverbs, winged words, pictures on a particular topic;
     Read the material, which will be discussed in class,
     View transmission on television or listen to the radio program and prepare answers to the questions in writing of the work;
     Preparation of herbarium of biology.
     Conducting observations of natural phenomena, as well as various experiments in chemistry, physics, geography, etc.
     Preparation of responses to teacher questions, self raising questions,
     Read and translate the article from the textbook;
     inventing problems
     Undertake a study according to the instructions
     Preparing to answer on the instructions and plan this teacher;
     Selection of additional material on the topic;
     Practical work (manufacturing aids, cards, tables);
     Written answers to questions;
     Solve the problem by using a formula
     The tasks similar classy;
     Customer Specific Solutions;
     Meeting the challenges of non-standard;
     Work on the bugs;
     Solving problems with connections between substantive;
     Making plans,
     Drafting homework for a neighbor's party
     Collect digital material that can be used for setting up and solving problems in the classroom
     Make a plan, tables, charts,
     Compare specific provisions
     organize the material
     Collection of materials from other sources;
     Self-scheduling of response on a certain topic or preparation of this plan;
     Independent proof of a special position or evidence, similar to that given in the classroom under the modified provisions letters or drawing;
     Separate compilation tasks;
     Independent study of a simple material;
     Assimilation of the material being studied by the book.
     Establishment of associative links.

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