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Psychological work
Stress relieving techniques
9 prophylactic rules for everyone
Our life has gained such a frantic pace that it begins to threaten not only the neuro-psychological, but also to physical health. Scientists do not cease to develop systems and methods to help the modern "civilized" person does not get into a "stress prisoner." That's what, for exam-ple, Australian experts recommend.
1. Half day a week should be carried out as much as you NRA becomes: swim, dance. Walk around or just sit on a park bench. In general, enough to give himself just work!
2. At least once a day saying to expensive inelastic person for you kind words. Do not doubt that he (she) will tell you the same answer. In this harsh world of one mind that someone loves you, protects against severe disruptions.
3. Two or three times a week, give yourself a physical-ical load. Exercise does not have to be exhausting-E, but if after school you will not need a shower, then you are doing something wrong or just insufficiently trained.
4. Drink plenty of water (not alcoholic drinks!). In order to keep the body in good shape, you should drink water alone at least 1-1.5 liters per day.
5. At least once a week engaged in that you seem to be "bad" (you can, for example, "slightly" break the diet on which you sit, treat yourself to a day or weak, or go to bed earlier or later, than usual) Follow a necessary, but when it is done too seriously, you fear that you will become a hypochondriac.
6. Plunder Do not let your life! Will beam above, if some of the letters remain neraspechatanny-E, and phone calls - unanswered. Inconsiderate people steal hours (even days) of your life and you create stress, making do what you do not need and do not like.
7. When you are depressed or angry, get the intensive physical work: dig up the garden, let Glow-drifts, rearrange furniture or just break the old plates. Can go out of town and cover-chat there. Such good deeds inadequate protection schayut person from stress.
8. Eat at least one banana a day. They almost all vitamins, many minerals, plus they have the highest energy capacity.
9. Buy (if you do not have this) dialing the unit with the recording device (or so-called! Caller ID, voice reporting or flashing number calling-present). This will allow you not to twitch because each call and save really necessary for you.
Not very sophisticated techniques, agree? But following them carefully will save you from many severe stress.

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