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Psychological work
Developing training with elements of the training, "I love you, life. Dreams Come True

Purpose: Creating a positive life goals and develop students'
motivation to achieve them.
- Develop the ability to determine life goals and the necessary
conditions for their achievement;
- Increased confidence and self-responsibility of students to achieve goals;
- Updated perceptions of their strengths, develop empathy and the ability to engage constructively in the group.
Form of classes - group
The number of students in the group - 10-12 people
Methods: playing methods, group discussion, art therapy (working with a pattern), work in pairs, music, discussion.
Age - 12-15 years.
1. Blank sheet of paper, Fatman
2. Paints, markers
3. Magic Mirror
4. Table of Robinson Crusoe
5. Cards with inscriptions for sculptures
6. Needles for anchorages
7. Sheet with the contour of the human body
8. Melodies nature
          Hello! Today we are gathered here together to try to get rid of their troubles, to become better, more tolerant, learn to treat each other with understanding and respect.
           Who shy and indecisive, after our classes will be let brave and courageous, and who can not sit still for a minute, let become calm and focused. Let your worries will be - we'll be together to improve ourselves and achieve it! One life and she should cherish!
         - Man has always worried about issues related to its future: what awaits me in the future, as the rest of my life if I can reach their goals and what do I need to do?
Of course, ready answers to these questions is no. But despite this, many psychologists agree that the future of human life largely depends on how the person is your future, what goals it has set itself, which is taking to achieve them, can I use the opportunities provided, etc. (can be for examples).
         In today's lesson, we will try to look into the future.
Exercise "Magic Mirror"
Purpose: To update life goals
Contents: Drive invites participants to imagine that they can for a moment to look into the future with the help of "magic mirror" in which they will be able to see yourself in a social role. "Mirror" is passed around, and everyone says aloud what he "saw".
At the end of the guys share their impressions, how difficult
adults were present themselves in any social. role.
Exercise "My Goals"
Objective: Development of abilities to set goals and analyze the conditions needed to achieve them.

the students are asked for 2 minutes to write on a piece of goals that are needed to achieve the social role that they saw in the "magic mirror" (in the previous exercise). There is an important condition: the objective should be formulated in positive terms, the particular and the fulfillment of its depended largely on you.
After the assignment, students are encouraged to choose the 3 most major goals and write the possible ways of achieving them.
At the end of the psychologist asks the guys, whether it was difficult to do the exercise, analyze the most common ways to achieve goals.
Exercise "DROP"
Purpose: To show students that many minor conflicts, problems or unpleasant situation can not lead to the extreme, and that any problem can be solved.
An exercise:
Psychologist each student dripping brush on a clean sheet of paper, one drop gouache or ink.
       Condition: everyone can do with this drop whatever he wants: can you blow on it to get some sort of image can draw something from it, or left in the same condition.
Analysis: if a small drop of got a huge blot, we can conclude: Do not make a mountain out of a molehill!
Life is made up of black and white stripes. There are difficult situations, but there are people who have not broken the difficulties of life (war veterans, survivors of the siege of Leningrad, the disabled, who are engaged in sports and win prizes in competitions, as well as an example where Robinson Crusoe was stranded on a desert island).
       And now you are on the table tables compiled by Robinson Crusoe, it describes the options for how the person sees an unexpected situation in life (got on a desert island).
       Let's move on with it. It describes the good and the evil. But we usually see in these situations only negative background, and see the positive things sometimes can not.
Appendix 1. Table created by Robinson Crusoe.
I abandoned grim fate on a desert island and have no hope of deliverance.
But I'm alive, I did not drown, like all my comrades.
I kind of isolated and cut off from the world and doomed to sorrow.
But I recovered from all our crew: death thereof spared me, and he who so miraculously saved me from death. Can save me from my deplorable condition.
I am distant from all mankind; I'm a hermit, banished from society people
But I do not starve to death and killed in this desolate place, where a man nothing to eat.
I am defenseless against the onslaught of people and animals.
But the island where I was, deserted, and I have not seen it on any wild animal, as on the shores of Africa. What would happen to me if I were stranded on the African coast?
I have no one to exchange a word and no one to comfort me.
But God miraculously drove our ship so close to shore that I not only had to stock up on everything you need to meet my current needs, but also got a chance to fend for themselves until the end of my days.
I have enough clothes, and soon I will have nothing to cover her body.
November live in hot climates, where you can do without clothing.

On the example of Robinson Crusoe following exercise.
Exercise "Poor - good." Work in groups.
Purpose: to convince teenagers that even out of adversity can extract useful benefits for themselves.
An exercise:
Students are encouraged to any unpleasant situation: for example, 1) a quarrel with a loved one; 2) conflict with parents. Students themselves should say what is good and what is bad for them in this situation.
The results from each group are offset compared and supplemented.
Psychologist: but if you can not find a good wise decision for yourself, it does not mean that he does not know anybody.
Game "Chair of love."
      In the center is placed a chair.
Leading. This chair is difficult, it is a chair love. Who wants to sit on it and get others affection, warmth and love? (Some of the students sit down). And you guys, softly approach and gently pat, and then run.
Our whole life - a struggle
And proof S.V.Mihalkova poem "enviable persistence"
The hostess at kladovushke on window
Sour cream left in the jar.
And we must train was.
So that she forgot to cover the pitcher!
Two small frog at the same hour
Plop! - In a pitcher, not closing his eyes,
And well wallow in cream! ... And it is clear
That they can not get out of the jug back -
Paws vain they beat on the walls:
The more hit, the more tired ...
And now one, deciding that still
Themselves do not get out, do not wait for salvation -
Blowing bubbles, went to the bottom ...
But the second was around persistent brother-
Floundering in the dark as I could,
He sour cream per night knocked oil
And rebounding, jumped at dawn.
Psychologist: And now you will be a small test. But I warn you once, it is not easy. Who's ready for it, who wants it to go, stand up. Game "pluck out of the circle."
Game "pluck out of the circle"
Psychologist: I ask you to form a circle, join hands in the middle of the circle asking to let a good fighter. Outside the circle - life. Your task is to go out in life. Prove to us that you really deserve it. But if you do not do this for one minute, then perish. Any of you can at any time open the hands and without any problems to release this good man, but it's too easy. Your task is to release in the life of a man who really wants to live, will be useful for the society, will be posted to its limits.
Psychologist: Such situations occur in life: a vivid example of seriously ill people suffering from incurable diseases when a man grabs any rescue "straw" to survive. These are people who know the meaning of life.
Exercise "Sunshine."
Part 1. Each member of the group on the paper draws the sun. In the center portrays himself or writing his name.
The sun draws a lot of light at the three of them recorded three of their best quality.
Part 2. Children ask each other to attach a sheet with its sun bulavochkami to clothes on his back.
Part 3. Moving on to the music room, the children come together and write a ray of good qualities and virtues of whom they approached. Once completed, the sheets are detached from the suns and each picks up your list with you.
      Psychologist: Guys, when you will be hard, take your sun, and it will warm you certainly warm the hearts of the members of our group.
Exercise "Creativity". Participants are encouraged to portray their emotional state colors, decorate your own silhouette on paper. Those who want to show the picture and talk about what they figured about their feelings.
Psychologist: I wish you all good luck. Live with a smile and never with her not to leave. Smiling at each other! May you always, everywhere and in everything will be fine. Be fulfilled your desires and dreams.
At the end of our lesson I want to propose the following:
On my desk is worth the balance scales of life. One scale is called a line from the song "I love you, life!" And another bowl, and a line from the song "And we still ...". I want you in their heart shapes wrote its name and put them on the other scales, which tells you your heart, your inner state, your future. His decision to ask for comment.
Reflection classes.
Exercise "City of our dreams"
Each piece of paper draws on his house, and then offered to put them on Whatman paper. To finish, they want roads, facilities, etc. Each contributes. From the efforts of all will depend on what city they live. Dreams Come True!
1. Vagin YR Avitalnaya activity (substance abuse and suicidal behavior in adolescents). Perm Univ Chorus, 2001.-292 with.
2. Parenting personality: Study guide / Ed. E.N.Stepanova. - M. ..: T U Sphere, 2005.-224s
3. Chasy.10 Cool-11 classes / auth. - Comp. A.M.Baybakov etc. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.-135c.
4. Chernikov TV A high school student without stress and anxiety. Training program - training and club sessions: method. Guide - M.: Globe 2006
5. Vagin YR Avitalnaya activity. - Perm Univ Chorus 2001
Deviant behavior of adolescents.
6. Serie: To support the educational institution:
"Prevention of Substance Abuse."
7. Methodical weekly newspaper for teachers - psychologists "school psychologist."
  Brief analysis of developmental studies with elements of the training
"I love you life. Dreams Come True!"
Type of activity - employment with training elements
Form classes - group
Estimated lesson time - 1 hour 10 minutes
Number of participants - 16 people
The most successful exercise - "Drop", City of our dreams, "" Magic Mirror "," love chair "Exercise" Creativity "
Features of behavior among students: the distance between the teacher and students at the level of - "together"; emotional state of students during class positive psychological climate in the group - in a joyful atmosphere of a collaborative and fruitful cooperation.
Difficulties during the lesson: a lot of time spent on the exercise "My goal," students had difficulty in organizing and formulating goals in life. But, thanks to mutual support, collective poditozhivaniyu their desires and goals, students oriented and involved in future activities. Everything planned was conducted.

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