
To help the teacher, teaching methods, types of employment, development of extracurricular activities.

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Psychological work
Areas of work
  • diagnostic
  •      psychoprophylactic
  •      Correction - developmental
  •      advisory
  •      psychological education
  •      Psycho-pedagogical diagnostics;
  •      School health activities;
  •      Correction and developing work;
  •      Psychological and educational counseling;
  •      Ppsihologicheskaya prevention and education;
  •      Methodical work.
  •      Gnostic, which includes the study of the specific features of the activities of teachers and their students in the institution to the extent that they dictate their mentality and impose certain requirements to them, as well as a number of psychophysiological study, individual psychological and personality characteristics of faculty, staff, students, their social status, features of interpersonal relationships in teams of teachers and students in groups. Result of this work - more psychological characteristics of the individual faculty, staff, pupil, psychological preparation of passports, allowing to identify and implement corrective therapeutic measures;
  •      Constructive and educational, which includes work on prevention of conflicts caused by psychological reasons; message to teachers and educators basic information on social psychology, forming techniques and communication skills; research planning and preventive measures; modeling of individual development programs.
  •      Consulting, including an explanation and interpretation of individual psychological states, attitudes of teachers and pupils, or features of their behavior in professional work and family life;
  •      Educational, which includes the selection and implementation of measures aimed at the moral and volitional education students, the formation of their specific personality traits, the impact on the social status of individuals and organizations have adequate interpersonal relations in pedagogical collectives and groups of students;
  •      Psychoprophylactic and psychotherapy, including diagnosis, therapy and Psychoprophylaxis neurotic states, warning of difficulties in the intellectual and personal development, the organization of remedial actions, as well as the implementation of measures to manage the mental state (mental self-learning, build self-reliance, development of creative potential, develop skills mobilization stress etc.);
  •      Articles, including all the work to create new and adapting old methods of training and education, as well as the development of new methods of diagnosis and psychoprophylaxis as for the needs of the institution, as well as requests for the areas they do not have such a service.
  •      Socio-pedagogical. Identification of social and personal problems of children of all ages.
  •      Social and legal. Protecting the rights of the child.
  •      Socio-psychological. Psycho-pedagogical education in order to create optimal conditions for mutual understanding in the family, in society.
  •      Social and preventive. Early detection and prevention efforts deviant behavior of students.
  •      Socio-diagnostic. Establish the causes of deviant behavior of children and adolescents, causes of social disadvantage families.
  •      Socio-information. Improving educational and legislative literacy.

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