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Psychological work
Directions of the social and psychological services
Diagnostic work:

     Questioning HLS 1st year students
     Questioning alumni and parents' satisfaction with teaching "
     Identification and control organization admitting students absences unexcused
     Identifying the Causes of psychological training and development, social maladjustment and enrolled students;
     Identification of intra-status and social role of students and students;
     Diagnosing the cause of maladjustment (social, individual, etc.).
     The study of living conditions, making acts survey at home Child Psychological survey of newly admitted students;
     Studying fitness professional learning and personal qualities freshmen
     Study of the socio-psychological climate in groups on request
     Study of individual psychological characteristics of all subjects of the educational process, tracing the development of professionally significant qualities and social maturity of pupils and students, identifying the level of their social security;
     Conducting psycho-educational assessment freshmen readiness to learn;
     Psychological support educational activities, professional and personal growth and certification of teaching staff.
     Development, training of social passports for pupils and students a new set of social and conduct the survey.
     Drafting Social Passport group College.
     Gathering information about newly arrived pupils and students:

-Identification of children - orphans and children without parental care;
-Identification of children from large families;
-Identification of children from disadvantaged families;
-Identification of children from low-income families;
-Identification of children "at risk"

     Formation records minor students "at risk" children - orphans, children from disadvantaged families
     Satisfaction of the participants of the educational process work social and psychological services


     Interactions in the workplace.
     Consultancy administration, teachers and parents on the issue of personal development of students, and students;
     Counseling students and students on training, development, self-life issues, relationships with adults and peers.
     Maladjustment on students (learning and behavior problems);
     On education (training).
     On the specifics of individual psychological development;
     Counselling of all participants in the educational process;
     On polovozrostnyh features;
     On the relationship with the child;
     On educational and social maladjustment of students;
     Family counseling.
     Difficulties of interaction with students;

Correction and developing work with students:

     Individual and group psychological adjustment difficulties in training students and students, including those related to the motivational sphere of personality;
     Psychological assistance and support to students and the students, teachers, parents to resolve personal, professional and other problems;
     Implementation of the correction of antisocial behavior and enrolled students.
     Conduct socio-therapeutic counseling to needy students, students and their parents;
     Conducting individual psychological sessions at the request of students, teachers, parents and administration;
     Conducting developmental and remedial training program:

- "We create together" sensomotoriki development;
- "We - the leaders' work with self-esteem;
- "Correction of aggressive behavior" work with a sense of anger;
- "Deaf hearing in society" adaptation.

Interviews in groups:

- "Love - the relationship of adolescents";
  - "Psychological characteristics suitsidantov. Causes of teen suicide ";
  - "How to successfully pass the exams?".

Implementation of prevention programs:

- "My Choice";
- "Preparation for family life and conscious parenting."

     Promoting social and psychological rehabilitation of orphans and children left without parental care;

Preventive and educational work with students:

     Questioning parents and persons in loco parentis;
     Diagnosis of parent-child relationship;
     Individual meetings with pupils and students, individual preventive conversations, legal advice on the rights of legal liability

- "Difficult Teen - especially psychological and pedagogical interaction";
- "Conflict: adults and children."

     Organization of interaction with KDN (Commissions on Minors) inspector ODN ATC
     Provision of psychosocial care and support for teachers, learners, students and their parents in a state of actual stress, conflict, strong emotional experiences;
     Organization of Board of prevention
     Psychological support to students and students with disabilities.
     Organization of pupils and students to conduct and participate in activities college, city and country
     Organization of employment in the clubs, sports clubs
     Psychological support personal development in order to preserve its individuality implemented through joint activities psychologist, social educator, student leaders of groups of medical service and other professionals;
     Presenting the results of the socio-psychological monitoring freshmen
     Familiarize teachers and parents with the basic laws of age and personal development of the student learning;
     Meetings with the inspector ODN ATC
     Warning of possible deviations of behavior;
     Psychological work with educators:
     Social and psychological competence of teachers, learners, students and their parents;
     Awareness raising among pupils and students on how to behave in public places, tolerance (class hours, conversation)
     Popularization of psychological knowledge of the subjects of the educational process.
     Conduct socio-psychological Consilium (according to the schedule and requested by the administration)
     Conducting classes on self-regulation: Psychological training with elements of training for beginning teachers' teacher-experimenter - it ... "and group lessons for teachers," I - perfection "
     Conducting psychological questionnaires with the teaching staff;
     Interviewing teaching staff upon request.
     Conducting workshops (information and training) in order to increase the psychological competence of teachers;
     Psychological work with parents and those in loco parentis:
     Parents' meetings on a current topic
     Liaising with parents, guardians:

- Correspondence as required;
- Collaboration with the Commission on Juvenile
- Home visits;
-individual work, counseling

Parents' meetings:

- "Adults and Children" psychological characteristics of family relationships;
- "Adolescence. Stages of growing, "features of social adaptation.

     Improving psychological competence of parents in dealing with children;
     Drawing up a joint work plan on crime prevention
     Create a database on students and students who are prone to antisocial behavior (risk group behavior)
     Facilitating the creative development of gifted students and students;

Organizational and methodological:

     Processing results psychodiagnosis, analysis and design;
     Preparation of materials for performances at teachers' meetings and production meetings;
     Certification of students and students at risk.
     Preparation of teaching materials for the development of psycho-diagnostics and individual developmental and psycho programs to the characteristics of the individual students and students;
     Preparation of materials for classroom teachers and trainers to conduct training, corrective exercises for team building, the development of communicative abilities, to overcome the problems of life situations;
     Participation in the development of new methods of psycho-diagnostics, psychocorrection and other types of work, evaluating their effectiveness

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