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Psychological work
How to Prepare for Exams
Exams (in the strict translation from Latin - test) - it's not just
"Rattled off" and walked away. This process is complex and multi-component, where each of the components of success is simply irreplaceable. Psychological readiness is as important as a good command of knowledge on the subject.

• First, prepare a place for lessons: clear the table extra stuff conveniently located desired textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils.
• You can enter the interior of the room yellow and purple, because they increase the intellectual activity. For this is enough of a picture in these colors.

Make a plan for training. To begin to define who you are - "lark" or "owl", and depending on the maximum use of the morning or evening hours. A plan for each day of training, you need to clearly define what will be studied today. Not at all, "a little exercise," and what kind of themes and topics will be passed.
Start with the most difficult - the partition to which you know the worst. But if you ec-hard "swing", you can start with the material that you like the most interesting and enjoyable. May gradually come into the rhythm of work, and it will go.
alternate employment and recreation, say, 40 minutes of training, followed by 10 minutes - a break. Possible at this time to wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercise, take a shower.
No need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. Useful to structure the material by producing plans, schemes, preferably on paper. Plans are useful because they are easy to use in the brief repetition of material.

Perform as many different tests published on the subject. These exercises will introduce you to the structures of the test tasks.
Train with a stopwatch in hand, takes the time test execution (for jobs in Part A takes an average of 2 minutes per task).
Preparing for exams, I never thought that can not handle, and, on the contrary, mentally Draw a picture of triumph.
Leave one day before the exam to ensure that all plans to repeat the answer, once again focus on the most difficult issues.

Many believe that in order to fully prepare for the exam, not-hwa melts just one last night in front of him. This is wrong. You already tired and not-to overwork yourself. In contrast, in the evening to prepare stop, take a shower, done-shek walk. Get some sleep as best you can to get rested, with a sense of their health, strength, fighting spirit. After the exam - this kind of struggle, in which you need to prove themselves, to show their capabilities and skills.

• On the exam you have to come running late is not better for half an hour before the start. With a need to have everything you need for the exam. Consider how you will dress for the exam: in the room can be cool or warm, and you will sit the exam a few hours.

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