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Psychological work
Position on the socio-psychological service
1. General

  1.1. Socio-Psychological Service (hereinafter SPS) - is a subdivision of the school;
  ATP is guided by:

     Constitution of the Russian Federation;
     UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
     regulations Ministry of Defense, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
     regulatory and procedural and legal framework of the educational process;
     decisions of the Department of Education;
     this provision;
     program of social and psychological support to participants in the educational process.

  1.2. ATP school activities aimed at psychosocial support students and ensure their mental health; ATP staff (psychologists, social worker, speech therapist) operate closely with educational institutions, health care, guardianship authorities, bodies of internal affairs.

  2. Main areas of work

  2.1. diagnostic direction

In this direction, social and psychological services focused on:

     depth study of the child throughout the period of schooling
     identification of individual characteristics, in education and training.

Diagnostic work conducted with children in group and individual form.

Experts SFOR:

     a diagnostic survey to determine the course of their psychological and physical development according to age norms;
     learning characteristics of children and the social situation of their development to ensure an individual approach in the learning process, helping to professional and personal self-determination;
     a psychosocial diagnosis interaction of children with older peers, identifying the psychological causes of communication disorders.

2.2. preventive direction

     The objectives of this direction are in the formation of the teachers and children need knowledge in the field of psychology, sociology, pedagogy. Create conditions for full psychological development of the child at every stage in a timely manner to prevent possible irregularities in the formation of personality and intelligence; implementation of the prevention of socio-psychological maladjustment, including through the implementation of the program "Health"; creating legal space of the school;
     Psychoprophylactic work is done mainly with members of the teaching staff, parents and other adults who influence the formation of personality of a teenager.

  2.3. Developing and correcting direction

• This area involves all professionals active influence on the formation of ATP personality and individuality of the child. ATP task - to ensure that the development of a child age standards, teacher team to help customize training and education of children, and to develop their abilities and aptitudes.
A special place in this direction takes work to overcome deviations in development, disturbances in learning and behavior of children. Plans and programs and developing remedial work tailored to the age and individual characteristics of the child identified in the diagnosis and are strictly individual, specific.

2.4. Advisory and educational direction

Advisory and educational direction of the PCA carried out by experts from all categories of the educational process: students, parents, teachers and school administration. The specialists of the PCA carried out:

     conducting individual and group counseling students on teaching, development, life and professional self, relationships with adults and peers, and personal problems;
     teaching teens and seniors skills of self, self-discovery and introspection, using their psychological characteristics and opportunities for successful learning and development;
     psychological assistance and support to students in a state of actual stress, conflict, strong emotional experiences.
     individual and group consultations with teachers in the development and implementation of training and education programs;
     conducting psycho-pedagogical consultation, within which there is a single design and planning of psychological and pedagogical strategies accompany each child in the course of his training, as well as certain student groups and parallels;
     social mediation work in different situations resolution of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in the school systems of relations: teacher-teacher, teacher-student, teacher-parents, etc.
     counseling and parent education on the formation of a responsible attitude to the problems of parents of schooling and child development.

2.5. Socio-medical direction

             • Control of food, labor, physical education, school organization terms of time in order to maintain health.
3. Functions Service

3.1. ATP coordinates the work of psychologists, social teacher education;

3.2. Developing techniques that help educators implement their own practice in working with students;

3.3. Contributes to the creation of favorable social development situations learners psychological conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents.

3.4. Implements business partnerships with other educational institutions of the village
4. Rights and duties of the ATP
4.1. Officer has the right to:

     to create the material conditions necessary for successful implementation of their professional duties.
     independently formulate specific tasks in working with students, parents and teachers to determine the forms and methods of work, to decide on the priority of its implementation.
     abandon the execution of orders (including from the school administration), if they conflict with his professional ethical principles on which construction work of the service.
     to review records of the school.
     conduct in school individual and group surveys and experiments for research purposes, in line with innovation school.
     act with the generalization of its experience in the scientific and popular publications;
     to work to promote the psychological and pedagogical knowledge through lectures, discussions, presentations and trainings;
     If necessary, contact the school administration through the motions to the relevant organizations on issues related to student aid;

   4.2. Officer shall:

     - In their professional work above all other goals to put the protection of personal interests and personality interacting with them the subjects of education;
     - Strictly observe the rules of professional ethics;
     - Guided by government regulations, orders and instructions of higher education authorities;
     - Deliberate and take decisions only within their professional competence;
     - Continuously improve their professional qualifications;
     - Carry out the registration of all types of work carried out;
     - Work closely with the administration and teachers of the school.
     -participate in the work of the service methodical seminars and conducted parent organizations of social and psychological conferences and seminars;
     - The Charter, the program of social and psychological services, psychologist Code, these Regulations.
     - Maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from the diagnostic and advisory work, if acquaintance with them is not necessary for the implementation of the pedagogical aspects of the coordination of work;
     -inform participants Pedsovet, psycho-pedagogical Consilium, the school administration of the tasks, content and results of the work carried out in the framework of ensuring compliance with the preceding paragraph.
     - To report on the progress and results of the work before the school administration;
     - In all matters proceed from the interests of the child

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