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Psychological work
Prevention of suicidal behavior
Suicidal behavior provides one of the fundamental problems of modern society.
                   The term "suicidal behavior" brings together all manifestations of suicidal activity - thoughts, intentions, statements, threats, attempts to assassinate. This term is particularly applicable to adolescence, when suicidal manifestations celebrate diversity.

True suicidal behavior.

                   Here we have a deliberate, often gradually entertained intent to commit suicide. Behavior is constructed so that the suicide attempt, on presentation of a teenager, has been effective. In left notes usually sound ideas self-incrimination, a note addressed to himself than others, or are intended to eliminate the charges close.

                   Risk Factors Precipitating teen suicide:

      abuse of others
     disturbed family relationships, desire any means to create the impression of harmony;
     orientation to the outward observance of generally accepted norms;
     increased and inconsistent requirements for children with complete indifference to their problems;
     practice degrading and cruel punishment
     learning difficulty
     unrequited love.

                   Prevention of suicidal behavior of minors is one of the major problems of society. Effectiveness of preventive measures can only be achieved through an integrated approach combining the efforts of various specialists (doctors, psychologists, teachers). Suspicions about the danger of suicide is an indication of a number of the following activities:

     Inform relatives about teen suicide danger or actions.
     Providing continuous monitoring of a teenager at school and in the family.
     Involving a child psychiatrist for consultation or psychotherapist.

                   It is recommended that the following principles:

1.     Urgency. Talk with your teen should be in the first minutes or hours after the detection of suicidal ideation.
2.     Empathic, not a directive relating to the adolescent.

     it is very important to listen carefully to the person to enable him to express in words their emotional problems,
     psychologist (teacher) should become a lawyer patient, not the judge,
     avoid "cheap" or consolations reproach ("Did you think about your family, your mother?", etc.).

3. Temporary exclusion of adolescent stressful situation.

4. Collection of information about the crisis

     carefully take every complaint of the patient, not to neglect the fact that he might "seem" frivolous "manipulative", "attempt to attract attention,"
     ask directly about suicidal thoughts, intentions, plans, suicidal behavior in the past.

5. Defining the internal sense of crisis:

     expectations of the act: he wants to change in yourself, others, situations.

6. Overcoming exception:

     show that such situations are fairly common, but other people find out their alternative solutions.

7. Develop a clear plan of action:

     for a teenager experiencing psychological distress condition, the feeling that "nothing is being done to help" increases anxiety. Necessary to provide the patient with the plan simple and concrete measures aimed at providing medical and psychological care.

8. Establish contact with relatives and friends.

     Relatives and friends of the teenager may positively affect its condition and be a source of valuable information.

9. Provide psychological support and enhance their own resources teenager.

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