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Psychological work
Recommendations to parents
Tips social educator parents

      Analyze your own value system in relation to parenting. Does she giftedness and implementation of the individual in society?
      Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lie and to gifted children it refers more.
      Evaluate the child's developmental level.
      Avoid long explanations or conversations with the child.
      Try to catch the time change in the child. They may take the unusual issues or behavior is a sign of giftedness.
      Respect a child's individuality. Do not seek to project onto him their own interests and hobbies. Develop your children the following qualities:

     - Confidence, self-esteem based on the objective;
     - Understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in himself and others;
     - Intellectual curiosity and a willingness to risk research;
     - Respect for the kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, peace of courage;
     - The habit of self-reliance and willingness to bear the responsibility for their actions;
     - The ability to find a common language and joy in communicating with people of all ages.
Principles of relations of adults and children

1. The principle of equality.

     The world of children and the adult world of the world completely equal rights.

2. Dialogic principle.

     The world of childhood is a special value for adults: a dialogue between two worlds (children and adults) is the educational process, in which learning is a motion content of the world of adulthood in the world of childhood and upbringing - move the content of the world of childhood to the world of adulthood.

3. Principle coexistence.

     World of childhood and the adult world should support mutual sovereignty, start from the idea of non-intervention, not imposing their values ​​to each other and the law. Any action adults or children should not prejudice any party.

4. Principle of freedom.

     Providing the world of childhood complete freedom in choosing their own path. Adults are required to maintain the life and health of children.

5. Principle of unity.

     World of childhood and the adult world do not form two worlds delimited, but constitute a single world of men.

6. Principle adoption.

     Features of any person shall be taken by other people for what they are. Relations should develop only on the basis of unconditional love. Hatred can be manifested only in respect of the act, and not a man, as a man more than his negative act.

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