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Psychological work
Parents of first-graders
Recommendations to parents of future first-graders

                On September 1, your child will go to school. This is a huge event in your life and the lives of your sons and daughters. Child falls on a big load dramatically changing the whole way of life. Therefore, you should try to prepare the child for school, to facilitate his difficult transition to a new activity.

                You should consider how your child will hold the summer months. Tourism should be diverse, but not too tiring. Approximately 10 days before the start of classes in the school the child should be at home, in familiar surroundings.

                Try over the summer temper child strengthen his health. Remember that the slightest ailment, chronic colds and even unhealed teeth can cause fatigue of the child with the first steps of the school, the reason for its backwardness in the classroom and even reluctance to go to school.

                 Check whether you want your child to visit a speech therapist. Defects in pronunciation can lead to shyness child, isolation, and they affect the formation of spelling skills.

                Try all the basic school for advance purchase. Better if this advise you about something with a child, cause him joyful emotions in connection with the forthcoming teaching.

                About 2 weeks before the start of the school year should change the mode of the day the child as close to it the fact that he will be when he starts school. Particular attention should be paid to a child's dream. Do rise at 7 o'clock, put them to bed no later than 9:00 pm

                If you want to do in the summer with your child classes should be given no more than 2 hours, with mandatory breaks in 10-15 minutes. Do not need to encourage your child to read and write a lot. Should devote more time to general developmental studies: to strengthen the child's hand with a drawing, in the drafting of simple tasks: to develop the child's speech, teaching him to give full answers, make complete sentences and stories; fix Calculation "forward" and "reverse", etc.
Most importantly, if you manage to create the right mood in the child for school: joyful emotions without undue fun, serious attitude towards the forthcoming without nervousness, sense of duty and responsibility.

Notice to parents of first-graders

1. Child Support in its aspiration to become a schoolboy. Your sincere interest in his school work and concerns, serious attitude toward his first achievements and possible difficulties will help first graders confirm the importance of his new position and performance.

2. Discuss with your child the rules and regulations, with whom he met in high school. Explain to them the necessity and expediency.

3. Your child has come to school to learn. When a person learns something he can not immediately be obtained, it is natural. The child has the right to make mistakes.

4. Compose with first-grader schedule, follow its implementation.

5. Do not miss difficulties, possible in a child at an early stage of mastering academic skills. If a first grader, for example, speech therapy have problems, try to deal with them in the first year.

6. Support grader in his desire to succeed. In each work be sure to take, for what could be his praise. Remember that praise and emotional support ("Good", "You're so good right!") Can significantly improve intellectual achievement.

7. If you have a concern in the behavior of the child's educational affairs, do not hesitate to ask for advice and guidance to the teacher or school counselor.

8. Entering school in your child's life was a man more authoritative than you. This teacher. Respect the opinions of first-graders about their teachers.

9. Doctrine - is a hard and responsible work. School enrollment significantly changes a child's life, but should not deprive her of diversity, joy and play. At first grader should be enough time for gaming sessions.

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