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Psychological work
Exercises to Relieve Stress
Exercise 1.

This complex is
very simple and effective for its fulfillment of you do not need anything other than the wall.
1. Nahmurte forehead, strongly tighten frontal muscles for 10 seconds; slabte consider them too for 10 seconds. Repeat faster, straining and distribution slablyaya frontal muscles at intervals of 1 second. Capture your feelings at any given time.
2. Zazhmurte firmly, tighten your eyelids for 10 seconds, then relax - then the same 10 seconds. Repeat faster.
3. Wrinkled her nose for 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat faster.
4. Firmly squeeze the lips. Relax. Repeat faster.
5. Strongly uprites occiput to wall, floor or bed. Relax. Repeat faster.
6. Uprites wall in left shoulder blade, shrug his shoulders. Relax. Repeat faster.
7. Uprites wall in right scapula, shrug his shoulders. Relax. Repeat faster.
Exercise 2.

If the
tense situation around and you feel that those self-satisfies, this complex can be done on the spot at the table, almost imperceptibly.
1. So much as you can, tighten your toes. Then relax them.
2. Tense and relax your feet and ankles.
3. Tighten and relax the calf.
4. Tense and relax your knees.
5. Tighten and relax the thigh.
6. Tighten and relax the buttock muscles.
7. Tighten and relax the stomach.
8. Relax your back and shoulders.
9. Relax your hands.
10. Relax forearm.
11. Relax your neck.
12. Relax your facial muscles.
13. Sit quietly a few minutes, enjoying complete peace. When you feel that slowly float, - you are completely relaxed.
Exercise 3.

exercise can be done anywhere. You need to sit back, hands folded in her lap, put your feet on the ground and eyes to find the object on which you can focus on.
1. Start counting from 10 to 1 in each account and making breathing out slowly. (Gasps should be much longer than the inhalation.)
2. Close your eyes. Again count from 10 to 1, holding the breath for each house bill. Slowly exhale, imagining with each exhalation decreases smiling and finally disappears voltage.
3. Not opening his eyes, count from 10 to 1. At this time imagine that you-you air blowhole painted in warm pastel colors. With each exhalation colored fog thickens, turns into clouds.
4. Swim the gentle clouds as long as your eyes will not open themselves.
To find the right rhythm accounts, breathe slowly and calmly, fenced off from all sorts of disturbances using imagination. This method is very good stress weakens. After one week, start counting from 1 to 20, in another week - 30 and so on to 50.

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