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Psychological work
Parental fears
For most parents move favorite and most often the only child of study in another place of residence is a real tragedy. Pull yourself together. And do not worry about the fact that the joy on the face of the future freshman inversely proportional to your sadness about the impending separation. To begin with let's think about what you are, in fact, worried? Sort through their fears and let's deal with them.
Fear number 1
"We're losing him"

     Dear Parents, students, regardless of how far leaves freshman, remember that communication is, even in space. And here is how this relationship will be a regular, depends on you. Of course, you will get bored, and occasional assaults student home hardly appease parental angst - especially at first. And letters in envelopes do not wait too - today's youth to the epistolary genre completely indifferent.
     But there is the Internet! If there is no email address - slide it. And do not be offended if you write will be less than you. Students - busy people themselves think. But your letter-that it will be read! Therefore, the thread between you will not be interrupted. Just do not bother him in letters moralizing. Yes, there are mobile phones! And do not panic on that subscriber is not available. Probably just forgot to put the phone on charge.

Fear number two
"What if he had run out of money"

     Do not worry if it will remain without money, you'll be the first to know. Sooner or later, such heart-rending news receive the vast majority of parents, regardless of the issued last visit amounts of cash. To be prepared for this, but if the news will come regularly - stands guard. So teach future freshman properly dispose cash. Teach him to at least the basics of financial literacy and do not worry if he will learn more from your mistakes. Discuss in advance the amount that will be allocated - of course, taking into account as a necessary subsistence, and incidental expenses, and they will.

Fear number 3
"He gets into bad company"

     First, he goes to school, and not a colony of strict regime. And bad company could just as well be found in their place of residence, for this mind is no longer necessary. Second, learn to trust your child. It is not necessary to get his long homilies about the dangers of the big city. He learns about them. Better explain the popularity of the basic rules of behavior.
     Of course, he was waiting for gay student parties with a mass of alcohol. It is futile to persuade not to go there. Let him go, but the rate of its need to know. Everything depends on him. And novels a student will not necessarily end with a marriage on the first date (moms are afraid for some reason most). Do not read the student notations, better make sure he knows how to behave properly with the opposite sex.
parental fears

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