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Psychological work
Program on "Communication of generations.Take my hand, my friends, not to perish one by one
passport PROGRAM
program Title

"Communication of generations. Take my hand, my friends, will not get lost alone! "(Assistance to citizens of the older generation, the disabled, veterans of war and labor, involved in armed conflicts, elderly people living alone, people living in nursing homes, creating conditions for improving the quality of life of the older generation)
Author program

Learner GBOU ACT "Cutty" King QC Vyacheslav
participants in the program

- Members of the volunteer movement GBOU ACT "Cutty" KK (hereinafter Cutty) "We Are Together"
Name of applicant

Krasnodar Region Administration Office of Juvenile
The amount requested for the project


Financed by voluntary donations of cash commercial organizations.
relevance of the program

            In this world of wars, rallies, disasters, it is important to remain human and be able to help out in difficult times. Sometimes do a good deed is a snap, but many people just pretend not to notice, though well aware that might help. But even the smallest act would bring more love and joy than all the riches of the world. That's good deeds allow again to believe in people and the breadth of his heart and soul.
          In the name of our program we took a phrase from a song by Bulat Okudzhava "join hands with friends, not to perish one by one." This thought we passed the older generation. And we tried to hold hands as heart have felt honest, important, frank and attractive in its moral foundation of the word. They told us people, past war. They told us they did not officially putting themselves awards and shoulder straps, but rather by removing them, informal, homely environment.
         We are trying to make a holiday in monotonous everyday life of older people living alone, as much as possible to improve their living conditions, and most importantly - to convey to the public that the problem of loneliness, feeling a sense of uselessness, acute and topical, which can not be ignored.
         Volunteer Movement Cutty: "We are together" (assistance to the elderly citizens of our city) main "weapon" believes attentive to each other two generations, the collective work on solving everyday problems of life of older people. A motto of the movement is as follows: - "To give people hope, joy and warmth."
       The aim is to help the citizens of the older generation, the disabled, veterans of war and labor, involved in armed conflicts, elderly people living alone, people living in nursing homes; creating conditions for improving the quality of life of the older generation; acquisition of socially meaningful experience for the students to communicate with the older generation.

      To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

1.Organizovat officially registered volunteer program (movement) "We Are Together" (assistance to citizens of the older generation), not only in the activities of participants in the educational process in the ACT GBOU "Cutty" spacecraft, but Kurganinskom area in close cooperation with the Commission on Juvenile Justice and protection of their rights at the municipal administration area Kurganinsky

2.Organizovat activities to promote youth participation Kurganinskogo area (university, school, public area Kurganinskogo) in the guardianship of the nursing homes, provide possible assistance to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, elderly people living alone.

3.Razrabotat action plan within the framework of propaganda movement guardianship nursing homes, and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, lonely elderly people, veterans ped. labor.

4. Inform the public that the problem of loneliness of older people experience a sense of feeling of uselessness, acute and topical, which can not be ignored.

5. Improve the living conditions alone in need of assistance for older people (by stroyotryada college "Trowel" mug "Magic Workshop").
Social significance programmy.Osnovnoy target audience, realizing program is youth - one of the most important social groups. This program provides and educational function, since the main objective is to develop youth citizenship, patriotism, the most important spiritual and moral and social values​​, high sense of responsibility and discipline; acquisition of socially meaningful experience for students to communicate with the older generation.
Dates of the program -2013 - 2015 g.g.Vvidu specifics of this problem is a long term project, but the problem itself is in need of a permanent solution and control.
Marketing Program. Marketing project includes - Dissemination of information about the volunteer movement "We Are Together", implement the program through the Internet (creating a unified information portal), publication zhurnalavolonterskogo movement "We are together."
As a means of conveying information to the public need to use the services and production program, in particular, to apply the advertising stickers, shirts, caps depicting symbols of the volunteer movement "We Are Together", flyers distributed by volunteers in educational institutions within the commercial enterprises (as and for the purpose of financial aid)

Activities conducted for this project:
1) Making the necessary documentation to create a regional volunteer (volunteer) organizations guardianship over nursing homes, provide possible assistance to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, elderly people living alone, check the Internet web site of the journal.
2) The organization of the monthly publication, focused on young people, in which organized gathering, system analysis and dissemination of information, enabling the establishment of favorable public opinion about the activities of the volunteer movement "We Are Together", interaction with authorities.
3) Promotion of direction at the edge festivals, concerts and forums.
4) Involvement of famous representatives of show - business, political figures as promoting movement.
5) Conducting quarterly meetings asset volunteer movement "We Are Together" for the purpose of implementation of the "Communication of generations. Take my hand, my friends, not to perish one by one. "
6) Contributions to local, regional media; creation of a single information portal volunteer movement "We are together."
7) Conducting dance, vocal activities, mini KVN - performances with themed activities according to the spirit of volunteerism GBOU ACT "Cutty" KK "We are together."
Valuation program (cost estimate):
- Purchase of promotional materials (T-shirts, caps with symbols of voluntary movement) - 15 000 rubles.
- The purchase of tools for the implementation of the elderly, lonely lyudyams order to improve their living conditions - 30 000 rubles.
- Other supplies necessary for the performance of works - 5000 rubles.

Implementation Plan:
1) Making the necessary documentation for the creation of volunteerism students GBOU ACT "Cutty" CC - "We are together";
2) Conduct a series of measures aimed at creating organizational groups program among students of educational institutions, students, college, university city Kurganinska;
3) Develop and launch an Internet resource;
4) The publication of the monthly magazine of the volunteer movement "We Are Together";
5) Organize and conduct workshops with pupils, students, college, university, media, business and government representatives to discuss the status of the problem.
6) Work on the redecoration of homes for the elderly people, help is on the plot.

Evaluation planned results:
Thanks to the implementation of the program "Communication generations. Take my hand, my friends, not to perish one by one, "we plan to obtain the following results:
1) Kurganinskom area will officially registered program and the volunteer movement for assistance Seniors citizens, the disabled, war and labor veterans, participants in armed conflicts, elderly people living alone, people living in nursing homes; creating the conditions for improving the quality of life of the older generation.
2) Due to the teamwork volunteer program with the authorities will be set up the system, effective efforts to improve living conditions and state of mind of elderly people in need of special attention. Due to events will be organized system of propaganda activity programs among young people (youth organizations, universities, vocational schools, schools) in the population area Kurganinskogo.
3) Due to the active work of the volunteers Catto, district offices will have a constant set of volunteers in Kurganinskom area.
4) Thanks to the marketing campaign is possible to achieve synergies executive and legislative bodies of the district, schools, businesses, community, veterans and military-patriotic organizations to assist citizens Seniors, disabled, war and labor veterans, participants of armed conflict , elderly people living alone, people living in nursing homes; create the conditions for improving the quality of life of the older generation.

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