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Psychological work
Training for the development of creative potential
Training objective: awareness and overcoming barriers to the discovery and development of creativity.
        1. Awareness of creativity in itself and its development.
       2. Formation of skills and creative control
3. Development of flexibility of thinking.
The training program
Opening remarks by the facilitator: the goals and objectives of the training, the basic concepts, principles of training group.
Exercise 1. Band members sit in a circle.
Each participant is calling your name, and most pronounced in his quality. The next person - the name and quality of the previous. His name and quality. The latter should be called all the names and quality of the group members.

Exercise 2. Instruction: "Mathematicians almost all the phenomena described by formulas. I suggest to our acquaintance reincarnated as mathematicians and calling his name, called a formula that from your point of view quite accurately describes your personality. "This task can be difficult. It is not necessary to give examples. Better to say that the language of mathematical formulas is very rich.

Exercise 3. Remember the person with whom you are personally acquainted, and which serves as a model for you a creative person, optional. State your name, and specify the quality, the behavior of your friend gives you a reason to consider it creative, creative. Summing up the work.

Exercise 4. Objective: To study the problem of multiple logical means (left hemisphere processes) and its transfer to the association of ideas with the content experience (right brain mechanisms).
Instructions: must be reincarnated as an animal or plant.
Strategies participants are not analyzed at this stage, but the leading fixes their manifestations. The experience gained is used to illustrate the data on the stages of the creative process and mechanisms.

Exercise 5. (Circle, the coach at the center of the circle) Now we will be able to continue the acquaintance. Do it like this: standing in the center of the circle (for a start it would be me) offers swapped all those who know how to swim. Leading tries to take the vacant place. Who is left without a chair becomes the master. Continue to work. Be careful and remember who and when transplanted. Need to call different skills. Celebrate particularly original.

Exercise 6. I give you five minutes, during which each will write a story about our group, using the information you have now learned. After 5 minutes, participants read out their stories. Conclusions: During the session the group changed the atmosphere, there is emotional freedom, tension is reduced.
Lesson 2.3
Objective: awareness of the barriers to be creative and create the conditions to overcome or reduce their impact.
Exercise 1. (Participants sit in a circle) Sit comfortably and slowly feel the air passes through the nose, throat, gets into his chest, fills the lungs. Feel like with every breath in your body misses energy. And with every breath away unnecessary worries. Voltage disappears ... Pay attention to your body. Feel it all - from the soles of the feet to the crown ... you hear any sounds, feel the touch of the air on your face. If you want to change the pose, do it. Now focus on the idea of ​​the variability of the world in which we live ... Our time is characterized by a complex complex changes ... sometimes they are lightning. And it will always run at us. Think about it. What are you having second thoughts? How do you feel in this changing world? Think about what qualities, behaviors help you to live in this world, and which interfere. Now, remember that you are sitting in this room and there are still other people. Come back here. In our circle. And do it at your own pace.
Task: Draw your thoughts, feelings, impressions. (Figures are arranged to see them all.)

                                         Work in groups
Purpose: Awareness of each member of the group experience of his life.
The participants are divided into groups of 4-5 people and share experiences, thoughts, tell us what qualities behaviors help and hinder what life in our changing world. Each group makes a list of such qualities. At the end of the list provides. Leading writes on the blackboard.

Exercise 2 Objective: Analysis of difficulties, barriers to be creative.
Props: cards with the names of objects and states.
User: "I'm fun card with a word written on it on the back of one of you so that he could not see what it says. Its mission - to find out what is written on the card. Each of us can tell, using only sign language. Note how there is a response, and on what condition you have and how they change. "
Discussions and conclusions: for the successful resolution of the problem, it is important to go through the training and information gathering.

Exercise 3 Objective: awareness of the barriers to creativity.
Props: ball
Instructions: "Now I throw the ball to someone and call any object. The one who will get the ball must name three non-standard ways to use this item and then throw the ball to another party, called the other thing. The ball must visit each and need to quickly respond. If someone finds it difficult to call this version of the standard use of the object, can throw the ball to the next person calling another thing. Any of you can raise your hand and call their version. "
Issues for discussion:
· What are the main difficulties?
· What fortunes arose as changed in the course of work?
· What helped cope with this task?

Exercise 4. Objective: To develop fluency of thought, speed retrieval of information from memory, the ability to consciously move into new substantive area.
Props: ball
Instruction: This ball - orange. Now we're going to throw it to each other, telling what is orange. You can not repeat the previously mentioned qualities. In this paper we all take part.

Exercise 5. Instruction: Now everyone will write the story of our group. Number of words in a sentence can be anything, but the words have to start with the letters C, O, M, L. Punctuation marks can be placed anywhere. To complete the task given 5 minutes. Upon completion of each participant reads his story. The content is not discussed.

Exercise 6 Purpose: To realize that creativity is the property of the individual.
Props: paper, paint, markers.
Instructions. You need to draw creativity. How do you understand it?
Time is not limited. After all finalize each rasskazyvae6t about his figure, how he understands creativity.

Exercise 7 Objective: development of analytical skills.
Props: ball
Instructions. Once the world was popular hippie movement. They had the habits, traditions and customs that distinguish them from other people. One of these practices was to make inscriptions on their clothes, often reflecting the stance or the motto of its owner. Now we're going to throw the ball to each other with the words, "If you were a hippie, then your shirt would be written ..." - and at the same time to pronounce the text that could be written on the shirt of the person you throw the ball. Anyone who is thrown the ball to say whether he agrees to wear a shirt with a similar inscription or not.
Summarizing. Relaxation. What did work? How can you use skills in work, school, life?

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