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Psychological work
Training "Learning to understanding"

Development of psychological observation as the ability to capture and store the entire set of signals received from another person or group.
Formation and development of the ability to predict the behavior of another, to anticipate its impact on him.


1.Povyshenie self-understanding and poznimaniya others.
2. Sensuous understanding of group processes, knowledge of the local structure.
3. Development of a number of behavioral skills

                                    The structure of classes.

     repetition principles TPB
     game "BIP"
     game "Tower of Babel"
     game "Pencil"
     profile feedback
     dom.zad "Where and what to use instead of a pencil?"

music sounds ............................
The topic of the lesson "Learning Understanding"
Workout. Imagine that we are in Japan and Japanese theater play where you know all three characters (the princess and the dragon samurai) divide into two groups and choose to greet the other team one of the heroes but note that the action must be accompanied by certain sounds .
Well done! Now sit down in a circle and now we repeat conditions ts principles of training.

             "Here and Now" - talk about what is happening in the group at any given time; exclusion of general, abstract reasoning.
             Personification-waiver statements impersonal judgments such as "generally considered", "some here believe."
             Accent-language sense avoidance of value judgments, replacing them describing your own emotional states.
             -Active involvement in intensive interpersonal interaction of each member of the group, the research position of the participants.
             Confidential communication, sincerity, open expression of emotions and feelings.
             Privacy-recommendation does not make the content of communications, developing in the process of training outside the group.

The first exercise "Beep."
              Description of the exercise. The participants sit in a tight circle to the neighbors had no free space. Leading to the center becomes blindfolded several times rotates on its axis, and then approaches the participants sitting in a circle and "blindly" sits somebody of them to their knees. Winner of the knees, which sat driving, changed voice utters a short word: "BIP". The task of driving-guess the voice on whose lap he sits.
              Psychological sense of exercise. Develop skills of social perception and tactile contact. In addition, exercise is a good workout and usually leaves a bright positive emotional track.
              Discussion. Whom it was easy to know who is not very much? What else besides the voice guided driving? Whether they felt the difference knees different people what it was?

Exercise "Tower of Babel"

              Description of the exercise. Exercises performed in subgroups of 4 - 6 people. each subgroup is given by 100 sheets of paper and the job: You need to build sheets of the highest possible tower, without using of any fastening materials. To perform exercise. -10 Minutes. Possible to focus on the aesthetic side of the work.

              Psychological sense of exercise. Exercise leads to an increase in group cohesion, allows us to develop the ability to put forward and defend their ideas, causes positive emotions in participants.

              Discussion. How to divide the work between the participants in the subgroups? Who owned the design ideas for different parts of the tower, what psychological qualities needed to translate these ideas into practice?

Read me "Parody"

Now I ask you to think and remember specific non-verbal signs that will definitely have each of us and manifested here in this circle. It could be gestures, posture, facial expression or nonverbal manifestations complexes.
Once everything is ready, or someone will develop and present to us a sign of someone's nonverbal, without naming who it belongs to. All others will try to determine whose it is a sign. "
Exercise "Pencil" (music)

              Description of the exercise. The essence of the exercise is to hold a pencil, squeezed between the fingers facing a number of participants (slide 1). We practice, we break into pairs opposite each other at a distance of 70-90 cm, and try to keep two pencils, pressing their ends pads forefingers.

              Given the task without letting pencils, move your hands up and down, back and forth.
             Now we stand in a circle, hold down the pencil between the pads forefingers neighbors. Group, holding pencils, performs tasks synchronously.

     Tighten hand, lower them back to the starting position.
     Pull your arms forward, pull back.
     Take a step forward, two steps back, one step forward.
     Sit down, stand up.

              Psychological sense of exercise.
When the exercise requires participants to clear coordination of joint actions on the basis of non-verbal perception of each other. If each participant will only think about their actions, the exercise is not practical. Need to base their action on the basis of partners' movements.

What actions must perform each of the participants to pencil in a circle did not fall? And what are the challenges in performing those activities? How to install with others required for this understanding, learn to "feel" the other person?

The final exercise.

feedback on training

     In this training, I .....
     The main thing I have learned in our classes ...
     Most of all I remember ...
     I did not like that at the training ...
     I would like to (a) that during the following training leading ...
     I think that will change after the training ...
     I really liked that the training ...

House. (Write as much as possible options) Target, where instead of what you can use a pencil?

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