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Study "Family in the profession" nomination "My relatives in the history of my profes
Calling - the only answer
about the correctness of the choice
Leo Tolstoy


Comes a time when every young person thinks about the future profession. A lot of them, so the choice should be balanced, deliberate, unhurried. On how it will be true, depends not only on the material well-being, but his composure.
There are many professions, and anyone, including myself, was faced with a difficult choice when deciding how to link their work life, where to study and where to work. Work - it is a huge component of human life, so approach this issue with a great responsibility you need without making hasty conclusions. When a man finds his calling in life, work becomes a fascinating process that contributes to the overall dedication.
I want to tell you about a very necessary and interesting profession, "Seller, Cashier."
Seller, Cashier - not an easy job, as it seems to some at first glance. After all, she's one of the few that has a broad focus. What does this mean? And what a true professional who knows how to sell, and to be an actor, and a subtle psychologist. In addition, he is obliged to look great, be in good physical shape, have impeccable taste, persuasion at the secondary level hypnotist and movie star charisma, while perfectly aware classification of goods sold, to be able to maintain contact with adjacent departments (warehouse, accounting, management, transport, suppliers). And in addition to this, to speak the same language with the buyer to have a rich vocabulary and generally being very considerate, polite, patient. In a word, civilized man!
My profession is divided into several specialties. There are vendors of food products - ie products (fruits and vegetables, confectionery, sausages, etc.), and there are vendors nonfood items (clothing, shoes, appliances), but just at the friendly seller wants to buy something. It is important to understand the motivation and behavior of the buyer, to facilitate his way to the cashier. Atmosphere salesroom and staff behavior should inspire people to the idea of ​​a successful purchase. It follows the code of conduct of the seller, the classic style of his clothes, facial expression, control of emotions. An ancient Chinese proverb says: "If you do not smile, do not begin to trade."
Seller profession belongs to one of the most sought after, because every year the number of goods increases, the number of commercial enterprises.

My family

For each person family, children, home have always been the most important and meaningful in life. Today I want to talk not just about family and employment dynasty, where several people have chosen the same profession - a profession seller. In our family, formed a real dynasty. And I like that. From closest I get help and support and try not to let them down. To be a seller in the third generation - is a serious problem. And I try to cope with it as best you can.
Our labor dynasty goes through the female line and has three generations. Chapter - my mom Roschupko Valentina, which has worked 30 years in the trade seller.
After high school she enrolled in the school number '60 Kurganinska and in 1985 graduated with honors
His career began with the seller 2 categories at the grocery store in our city. Work always liked her and two years later my mother became a senior seller, and then store manager. During his work showed his best side, awarded commemorative badge "20 years of excellent work," a memorable sign for valiant labor, diplomas
Her sister Olga Petrovna Zhurov also decided to tie his career trafficking. Aunt Olga graduated from the Co-operative College in Belorechensk majoring in Accounting. After graduation, she got a job as a salesman in the procurement office, and a year later was appointed to the position of board RAYPO Auditor, where he still works. She is like my mother has various awards and diplomas.
Dynasty appear in those families in which the older generations really love their profession, engaged in the business with pleasure and devotion, with good humor go to work. Profession seller like me since childhood. My sister Nina, looking at her mother, played to the store and already know who will be in the future.
My mom - the seller and its work, I've known for a long time: tried to imitate her in everything. It is a virtuoso in his work: the goods and can offer a kind word to say to man, and with respect to service customers.
Our whole family has always distinguished modesty, responsibility, efficiency and, of course, deep devotion to his cause. I think that the reserves at our dynasty is. Succession of generations will continue. In my opinion, family dynasties are relevant at any time. Well, when the kids are deliberately chosen the same profession as his parents. Skill, passed from parents, only multiplies with each generation. Probably nice to see the children continued. Dynasty help keep family traditions, allow to accumulate professional and life experience. Young a chance to become a good employee for a short time and avoid many mistakes. After all, there is always before his eyes the example and experience of parents, and it is more than a mentoring
  In 2010 I entered the Kurganinsky agro-technological technical study by profession "Seller; Cashier "and immediately fell in love with his master inservice training Datoyan Marita Rafikovna. Marita Rafikovna true teacher and mentor in life and profession. It is full of creative ideas and energy that ignites all of us - his students. During training, we participated in various events, competitions, held many classroom hours KVN, and also participated in professional fairs and work days, and now I'm going through practical training - learning to serve buyers:
In practice, I have mentors. This is my Aunt Olga and head shop Koopprodukty Strelkova Zoya.
Seller - is the most common type of work. We often come to the shop and acquire the necessary goods. We want to be served a specific seller. Agree to stand in line to exactly he served us. Because it is safe to say about this vendor, he knows his job and loves her. This man can say that he is a professional!
When training I learned a lot about sales techniques, psychology, communication, the correct customer service, learned to work on the CMC, the weighing and other commercial equipment.
And most importantly, I remember that it was a real seller - "servant of the people!" I understand that to be a seller - it's not just a profession, but an art. After all, everyone - it's a book, and find it can be a lot of fun. The uniqueness of my profession is that to us sellers to conduct sales, high demands such as - knowledge buyer psychology, communication, stress, attention - is only a partial list of the qualities that the seller must have a modern and have a high liability, work under difficult and stressful conditions, high enough exercise, sometimes - working with harmful substances. However, the work of the seller can be exciting and creative: on the ability to talk to people, beautifully arrange showcases and counters depends largely on the success of trade.


I believe that labor dynasties needed. They play a huge role in the upbringing of respect for work, mastering the secrets and skills mastery, because labor - is a kind of pivot around which is formed and develops a personality.
Labour family dynasty - the pride of any production, any industry, because after the parents in their place come the children, generations follow each other and work performance and because the older labor dynasties were able to pass on to their children, grandchildren devotion favorite business respect for family traditions . Today's life, creating a lot of economic and psychological difficulties, requires a person to use all of its moral and physical reserves to adapt to new conditions and not just to survive but to win - especially - yourself, and then circumstances. You need to know the basic psychological laws, personality, aware of yourself, to be able to manage their behavior and activities. Success and business relations are directly dependent on the ability to communicate with others, own methods of interaction with people, the ethical culture of the person.
I believe that my profession is the best, most interesting, the most in demand. But most importantly, I have learned - is to love their profession, be proud of it. And buyers ever say to me is a real dealer, a true professional!
Ode profession
My profession,
You I loved since childhood.
You are now the most reliable,
You are my life, suspension, power!
Won the heart, you're my and subdued.
I do not need big prospects
Dear to me only pure gaze of the people!
After all, I'm her servant,
And bright profession
Oh, how I road you!

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