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Student Government
Targets self
  •      Graduate education of the 21st century, having a proactive stance, able to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of life knowing how to express and defend their point of view.
  •      Education of the person with an active lifestyle, ready to take responsibility for their decisions and the result for yourself, striving for self-improvement, self-development and self-expression
  •      Parenting responsibility for their words and deeds;
  •      Educating citizens have moral, legal, political, informational culture, able to think critically, to cooperate and respect human rights.
  •      Organization of collective life, the result of which should be the desire and ability to engage in self-education of each student.
  •      Preparing students to participate in a public government, education organizers.
  •      Acquisition of students ability to solve management problems.
  •      Familiarizing personality to universal values​​, learning personality social norms through participation in public life and school class;
  •      Acquisition of students the ability to make decisions, take responsibility for decisions
  •      Implementation of the interests and needs of students in an educational institution
  •      engaging the students in co-creation and co-operation with the teaching staff, students purchase the ability to solve management problems.
  •      Development initiative, creativity and independence of each member of the team and raise responsibility for their work, gain experience in the willingness and ability to perform various social roles of man.
  •      Development of creativity and initiative;
  •      Development of creative thinking.
  •      Development of a commitment to continuous self-knowledge, self-education and self-development.
  •      Creating the conditions for self-realization and joint activities of adolescents and adults, developing their creativity, leadership and organizational skills, understanding, active citizenship and the common culture.
  •      Rallying around the student's collective group of students carrying positive ideas, able to organize for collective adolescent creative affairs
  •      citizen education with high democratic culture capable of social creativity, and the ability to act in the interests of improving their individual, society, the fatherland.
  •      Promote independence and initiative of students;
  •      Creating a supportive learning environment to realize the creative potential of students.
  •      Creating the conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation and realization of each individual through the provision of a wide variety of destinations and activities;
  •      Creating conditions for the development of relations of care about each other, about school, junior, vzaimuvazhenie children and adults.
  •      Enhancing motivation training purposes.
  •      Formation of a self-sustaining, active, independent personality.
  •      Formation of the guys ideas about the system of social roles

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