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Student Government
Regulations on student government at the hostel
1. General provisions

     1.1. The supreme body of the student government is the General Assembly living in the hostel.
     1.2. Council hostel is self-governing body representing the interests of students, and students work between meetings.
     1.3. Council hostel is a coordinator in the relationship between students, college students and the administration.

2. Main tasks of the Council hostel

     2.1. Liaise between the administration of the college, studying, students living in the hostel.
     2.2. Develops objectives, plan and organize the work of self-enrolled students.
     2.3. Is the main source of information and organizer of students, students to participate in all activities carried out in the hostel.

3. Rights Council members hostel
The Council has the right to the hostel:

     3.1. Coordinate the activities of chiefs dorm rooms.
     3.2. Participate in the planning of an educational nature dorm.
     3.3. Control life living in the hostel.
     3.4. Assist workers dormitory in monitoring the safety of material assets.
     3.5. Attract living in the hostel to perform community service.
     3.6. Attract a wide range of students to participate in educational, cultural - recreational and fitness work.
     3.7. Self organize in a dormitory.
     3.8. Organize work on accomplishment of adjoining territory.
     3.9. Coordinate the promotion and living disciplinary action on them with the administration of the college.
4. Responsibilities of the Board of the hostel

     4.1. Assist teachers and other employees of the hostel in maintaining discipline among the living and the implementation of the regime of the hostel.
     4.2. Participate in activities to monitor attendance and academic performance of students, and students.
     4.3.Organizovyvat leisure living in the hostel students, students
     4.4. To work on crime prevention.

5. Regulations of the Board of the hostel

     5. 1. Assembly of the Council of the hostel held 1 time per quarter.
     5.2. Council bodies dorm collected at least 2 times a month for the organization to plan their work.

6. Overall control

     The work of the Board is monitored dorm supervisors (teachers) groups, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

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