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Student Government
Tasks Council student government
  •      Activation of independent creative activity of students living in the dormitory
  •      Nurture a positive attitude to the rules of collective life, to promote awareness of students of their civil and social responsibility for yourself and the people around them.
  •      Protecting the rights and interests of students and college students boarding.
  •      Protection and representation of student rights and interests;
  •      Informing students about the activities of the university;
  •      Organization of leisure of students.
  •      Organization and carrying out educational work.
  •      Organization of the work of self-care students living in dormitories.
  •      Ensuring transparency of all aspects of the students through the print and other media.
  •      Ensuring transparency of all aspects of the life of students through student dorm wall newspaper;
  •      Carrying out activities aimed at raising awareness among residents and their demands to the level of education, respect for the property complex, patriotic attitude to the traditions of the educational institution.
  •      Attracting students to solve all issues related to the training of highly qualified specialists;
  •      Carrying out activities aimed at raising awareness of students and their demands to the level of their knowledge and raise respect for the property complex, patriotic attitude to the spirit and traditions of the university;
  •      Carrying out activities aimed at raising awareness among residents and their demands to the level of education, for respect for property, for patriotic attitude to the traditions of the university;
  •      Conducting daily educational work in hostels, organization of activities to promote healthy lifestyles, moral and ethical behavior among students.
  •      Attracting students to develop and implement cultural and sports and recreational activities, law enforcement in the hostel.
  •      Develop core competencies: the ability to communicate, act, to obtain information, to solve problems together.
  •      Development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account scientific and professional interests of students;
  •      Development of student government in the dorms, search and inclusion in social work socially active students.
  •      Create conditions for the development of students of different social roles and positions in the immediate environment of their life in the surrounding life with all its problems, contradictions, and traditions.
  •      Facilitating the implementation of socially significant youth initiatives.
  •      Support in addressing educational, social and domestic and other matters affecting their interests;
  •      Preservation and development of democratic traditions students;
  •      Promoting university administrations in addressing the educational and scientific tasks, leisure and everyday life of students, promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  •      Promoting structural units of the university in their activities in the educational process;
  •      Work plans of the student council and monitor their implementation.
  •      Create conditions for the development of modern methods students use of free time, as well as help them become interesting, useful and active members of society, to know yourself and others.
  •      Participation in issues of improving the living conditions of the hostel.
  •      Strengthening inter-institutional and inter-regional relations;
  •      Participate in shaping public opinion about college students as a real force and strategic resource development of Russian society;
  •      Strengthening the role of the student government in the humanistic education of students in shaping their attitudes and social activity;
  •      instilling in students a sense of responsibility for the safety and respect for the student dormitories buildings, neighborhood, facilities improvement, to premises, property and inventory student dormitory for the property transferred to the student for use.
  •      Strengthening the role of the student government in the humanistic education of students in shaping their attitudes and social activity.

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