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Educational work
Regulations on the parents' meeting
1.General situation.

1.1 This position is designed for municipalities in accordance with the Law "On Education", the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 12), regulations on educational institution, institutional regulations.

1.2.Roditelskoe meeting - a collegial body of the public institutions of self-government, acting in the development and improvement of education and the educational process, the interaction of parental and public institutions.

1.3.V composition includes parent-teacher meeting all parents (legal representatives) who are studying.

1.4.Resheniya parent meeting discussed at the Governing Council and, if necessary, the General Meeting of the Institution.

1.5.Izmeneniya and additions to this provision shall be made parent collection agencies and adopted at its meeting.

1.6.Srok this provision is not limited. This provision applies to the adoption of the new.
2.Core problem parent-teacher meeting.
2.1.Osnovnymi parent meeting objectives are:

     Collaboration parent community and agencies to implement the state, regional and district education policy;
     consideration and discussion of the main directions of development of the Institution;
     discussion and approval of additional paid services in the Institution;
     coordination of the parent community and teaching staff agencies on education, training, rehabilitation and development of students.

3.Function parent meeting.

3.1. Institutions Parent Meeting:

     Institutions Committee selects the parent (class);
     acquainted with the Charter and other local acts Institutions concerning interaction with the parent community, instructs the parent Institutions Committee issues on making the necessary changes and additions;
     exploring the main areas of educational, recreational and educational activities in the Institution (class) and submit proposals for their improvement;
     hear questions relating to the content, forms and methods of the educational process, planning educational activities Institutions (class);
     discusses the problems of organizing additional educational, recreational services, including toll in the Institution (class);
     Director receives information about the educational process in the OS
     decides on assisting class teachers working with disadvantaged families;
     makes suggestions to improve the educational process in the Institution (in the classroom);
     participates in joint planning with parents (legal representatives) activities in the Institution (the class) - class parent meetings, parent clubs, open days, etc.;
     Decides to provide possible assistance institutions (class) to strengthen the material and technical base of the (class), the improvement and repair of its facilities, territory by the parent community;
     plans to organize recreational activities with children in excess of the annual plan, providing them with gifts for the New Year and other holidays;

4.Prava parent meeting.
4.1.Roditelskoe meeting is entitled to:

     choose the parent committee of the Institution (class);
     require the parent committee of the Institution (class) implementation (or) monitoring the implementation of its decisions.

4.2.Kazhdy member of the parents' meeting has the right to:

     require parental discussion meeting any matter within its jurisdiction, if the proposal is supported by at least one third of members of the congregation;
     in case of disagreement with the decision of the parents' meeting to express their reasoned opinion, which should be recorded in the minutes.

5.Organizatsiya control parent meeting.
5.1.B composition includes parent-teacher meeting all parents (legal representatives) who are studying Institutions (class).

5.2.Roditelskoe Assembly elects the parent committee of the Institution (class).

5.3.Dlya conducting meetings parent meeting from among its members elects a chairman and a secretary for a period of one academic year. Chairman, as a rule, choose Parent Council chairman Institutions (class).

5.4.V where necessary, to a meeting of the parents' meeting are invited to educational, medical and other health agencies, representatives of public organizations, institutions, parents, representatives of the Founder. Need for their invitations determined by the Chairman of the parent committee of the Institution (class).

Institutions 5.5.Obschee parent meeting is Director of the Institution, together with the chairman of the parent committee of the institution.

5.6.Roditelskoe collection class is the class teacher and the chairman of the parent committee of the class.

5.7.Predsedatel parent meeting:

     provides parental attendance meeting with the chairs of parent committees classes;
     together with the director of the institution organizes preparation and parent meetings;

5.8.Roditelskoe meeting runs according to plan, forming part of the annual work plan of the institution.

5.9.Obschee parent meeting meets at least two times a year, classroom parent meeting - at least 1 time per quarter.

5.10.3asedaniya parent meeting entitled, if they are present at least half of all parents (legal representatives) training institutions (class).

5.11.Reshenie rRoditelskogo meeting in open voting and considered prinyatm, if it receives at least two-thirds of those present.

5.12.Organizatsiyu Implementation parent meeting next PTA Institutions together with the director of the institution or class parent committee.

5.13.Neposredstvennym implementation of the decisions involved in the responsible persons listed in the minutes of the Parents' Meeting. Results are reported to the parent meeting at the next meeting.

6.Vzaimosvyazi parent meetings with government authorities institution.

6.1.Roditelskoe assembly interacts with the parent committee of the institution.

7.Otvetstvennost parent meeting.

7.1.Roditelskoe meeting is responsible for:

     for performing tasks assigned to it and functions;
     line of decisions to Russian law, normative legal acts.

8.Deloproizvodstvo parent meeting.
8.1.Zasedanie parent meeting in the protocol.

8.2.V minute book recorded:

     date of the meeting;
     amount present;
     invited (name, position);
     the discussion of issues raised at Parent Meeting;
     proposals, recommendations and observations of the parents (legal representatives), teacher and other staff agencies invitees;
     Parental decision meeting.

8.3.Protokoly signed by the chairman and secretary of the parent-teacher meeting. 8.4.Numeratsiya protocols conducted from the beginning of the school year.
8.5.Kniga protocols parent meeting is stored in the affairs of the Institution 5 years and deeded (when changing the head, when transferred to the archive).

8.7.Tetrad protocols parent class meeting kept by the deputy director on educational work.

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