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Instruction during walks, excursions, hikes
1. General requirements for safety

1.1. It walks, hiking trails, tours and expeditions allowed preschool children and students with 1-ro class last briefing on labor protection, medical examination and have no contraindications for health.

1.2. During walking, hiking trails, tours and expeditions to observe the rules of conduct established modes of transportation and recreation.

1.3. During walking, hiking trails, tours and expeditions possible impact on their members the following hazards:

     change the set route traffic unauthorized abandonment location group;
     scuff feet at the wrong selection of shoes;
     Foot injury when moving without shoes and without pants or stockings;
     bites by poisonous animals, reptiles and insects;
     poisoning poisonous plants, fruits and mushrooms;
     of gastrointestinal diseases with the use of water from open reservoirs untested.

1.4. During walking, hiking trails, tours and expeditions group of students must be accompanied by two adults.

1.5. For first aid for injuries necessarily have first aid kits with a set of necessary medicines and bandages.

1.6. In case of accident victim or witness an accident must immediately notify your supervisor walks, hiking trails, hike or expedition.

1.7. Students should observe the established procedure for walks, hiking trips, excursions or expeditions and personal hygiene.

1.8. Students who have committed a violation or failure to comply with labor safety instructions shall be prosecuted with all learners held unscheduled briefing on labor protection.

2.Trebovaniya security prior to walking, hiking, excursions, expeditions

2.1. Appropriate training, coaching, medical examination and submit a certificate of health.

2.2. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, the freedom of movement and the proper season and weather. To prevent injuries and bites legs wear pants or stockings.

3. Safety while walking, hiking, excursions, expeditions

3.1. Maintain discipline, follow all instructions of the head, and his deputy, yourself do not change the set route of movement and location of the group.

3.2. The total duration of the walk is 1-4 hours, and hiking trips, excursions, expeditions should not exceed: for students grades 1-2 - 1 day 3-4 grades - 3 days, grades 5-6 - 18 days in grades 7-9 - 24 days, 10-11 years - 30 days.

3.3. During halts to avoid burns and wildfires on campfires.

3.4. Do not taste any plants, fruits and mushrooms.

3.5. Do not touch the poisonous and dangerous animals, reptiles, insects, plants and fungi, as well as prickly plants and shrubs.

3.6. When traveling do not take off your shoes and walk barefoot.

3.7. To avoid infection, gastrointestinal diseases not to drink water from open reservoirs untested, use this drinking water from a flask, which should bring or boiled water.

3.8. Personal hygiene, promptly inform the head walks, hiking trails, hike or expedition of the deterioration of health or injuries.

3.9. Respect local customs and traditions, and care for nature, historical and cultural monuments, to personal and group property.

4. Safety in emergencies

4.1. By the bite of poisonous animals, reptiles, insects immediately provide first aid, to send the victim to the nearest medical facility and inform the institution.

4.2. If injured to render first aid to the victim, if necessary, to send him to the nearest hospital and inform the institution.

5. Safety requirements at the end of a walk, hiking, excursions, expeditions

5.1. Check availability on the list of students in the group.

5.2. Check availability and deposit camping equipment.

5.3. Take a shower or wash hands and face with soap and water.

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