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Educational work :: Thematic class hours, reports, interviews
Homeroom on "Selflessness and generosity"
Tasks homeroom:
1. Disclose the meaning of "disinterested person"
2. Develop the ability to recognize the true and imaginary generosity.
3. Educate need for selfless service to society.

Equipment and visibility:

     interactive whiteboard;
     pictures on the theme "Man was created for good works"

Progress homeroom:

1. The word teacher. "Good morning, dear children. Homeroom today we call "unselfishness and generosity." Topic is relevant to our turbulent times. A topic that affects many of our inner strings with you consciousness. Now I ask everyone to stand up, hold hands, look standing next to a classmate in the eye and say good compliment wish. (Students form a "Circle of Joy" and say to each other words with the wishes of good mood and success in all). And now, dear children, let us listen to a poem by M. Isakovsky "Cherry" student reads a poem.
On a clear day, at the end of summer,
Dear old man was walking in the field:
Young cherry dug somewhere
And, pleased, carried her home.
He looked cheerful eyes on the field,
LD Mezhuyev. And I thought:
"Let me memory
We'll put a cherry road
Let it grow big, big,
Let him go and breadth and height
And the way our decorating,
Every time awash in color.
Strangers in the shadow of her prilyagut,
Relax in the cool, quiet,
And tasted juicy ripe berries
It may be remembered me.
And, do not remember, What a shame
I this is not tuzhu. "
And he thought: "All power to the memory
We'll put a cherry road. "
Issues for discussion:
1. Tell the guys dreamed about an old man?
2. For whom he wanted to put the cherry?
3. Kakov philosophical meaning of the act of an old man?
4. Can the modern young man on such an act?
Teacher: Dear children! You have correctly understood the meaning of the poem "Cherry"
And now I ask you to say that this parable? Parable - this allegorical story with moralistic. And listen to one of the parables of mankind, which is called "Life starfish"
Student reads a parable: One day the old man walked along the beach and saw starfish, beached. Without water, the fish should die soon. He carefully picked it up and threw it back into the sea. The same thing he did with other starfish that had been washed ashore. One urchin watched as the old man did it, and from time to time published wild laughter. Paying no attention to the old man calmly continued his occupation.
Finally, the boy broke down and turned to him with these words: "Hey, man why are you wasting your time throwing these fish back into the sea? Do you know how many millions of starfish washed up on shore? Even if you spend all my life for this job, and even then it will be a small percentage of these fish are caught without water. And you think that your work will make a difference? "
The old man thought a moment and replied, picking up the next fish, "Son, I confess, I did not really know what is going to happen with all the starfish, which washes ashore every minute, but as far as this, he said, gently stroking the fish that was in in his hand, I'm sure it's my job to change anything. "
The teacher encourages students' attention another parable: "Because I - Man."
Dusk. On the way were two travelers - a father and son. Middle of the road was a stone, the father did not notice the stone, stumbled, bruised leg. It hurt. Groaning, he walked around the stone and took a child's hand, went further. On the second day the father and son were on the same road back. Father forgot about the stone, again did not notice it, stumbled and hurt his leg. On the third day the father and son were again on the same road. To the stone was still far off. The father said to his son: "Look carefully, my son, it is necessary to bypass the stone." Father and son were slowed, but the stone was not there. Sitting on the sidelines of an old man.
- Grandpa, - said the boy - you do not see here a stone?
- I took him off the road.
- What, you too have stumbled and hurt his leg.
- No, I tripped and hurt his leg.
- Why did you remove the stone?
- Because I - Man.
Teacher conference: Before discussing the meaning of these two parables, let's turn our attention to the words: generous and unselfish. (Slide).
1. Which phrases formed from the word generous? (Great Soul)
2. How do you understand the meaning of the word "generous"? (The students' answers, discussion)
3. Which phrases formed from the word "selfless"? (Answer: the merger of two words: "No" and "Greed")
4. What is greed? Greed?
Answer: (The desire for personal gain and profit - this is some good material).
Q: What can you say about a person who does good, not thinking about the reward? (The students' answers, discussion).
Question: Can you name the actions of people, we heard about in parables, unselfish? (A student discussion).
Teacher: Guys! Let's turn our attention to citations homeroom. "If you want to live for yourself, live for others." (Seneca, the ancient Greek philosopher). (slide)
"Generosity - it is nothing like compassion noble heart." (Nicolas Chamfort Sebastian, French writer). (slide)
(Talk quotes. Listen to the opinion of students).
Teacher's words: Dear children! Our guests are our young friend, a student of Class 5. And he did not come just like that, he reads verses Agnes Barto.
"A friend reminded me yesterday"
A friend reminded me yesterday,
How did me good:
I once gave a pencil
(I forgot the day pencil case)
In the wall newspaper, in almost every,
About me mentioned.
I fell and all wet -
He helped me to dry.
It is for cute boyfriend
And did not mince pie.
Bite gave me once,
Now put in the bill!
And me to him, guys
Something does not entail more

     Have you ever met such a friend, referred to in the poem?
     What is different in your opinion generosity of indulgence? (student responses).

Teacher: Generosity is often confused with indulgence, but the meaning of these words is not the same.
Pupil 1. Indulgence - a one-time action, arrogant favor.
Trainee 2. A generous - a person's ability unselfishly sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.
Teacher: Guys! And now I suggest you show a little creative activity: "Step towards reconciliation." You need to do is place a small card.
Task: Give this card to the person with whom you were at odds, show magnanimity while - take the first step towards reconciliation. Find your kind words, write them on a card. (guys read their cards and hand who they did.)
Teacher: It was nice to hear your kind coming from the heart, words that you have addressed each other.
The final part:
Students stand in a circle, "heart to heart" and read a poem by Rudyard Kipling's "commandments"
Pupil 1.
Keep control of the confused crowd,
He who swears by you for all the confusion.
Believe himself in defiance of the universe,
A little faith let their sin.
Strikes your hour. You wait, without tiring,
Let liars lie. Do not condescend to them.
Be able to forgive, but I seem to forgive,
Generous and wise friend.
Trainee 2.
Be able to dream without becoming a slave dreams
And to think, thoughts are not deified.
Meet equals success, and a reproach,
Not forgetting that their voice liar.
Trainee 3.
Know how to keep quiet when your not a word
Cripples rascal to deceive fools.
When all life is ruined and again.
You must re-create it with the basics.
Apprentice 4.
Know how to put in joyful hope
At stake is all that is acquired with difficulty.
Lose everything: And the poor become as before.
And never regret that.
Trainee 5.
Be able to force the heart, nerves, body.
Serve you when your soul
Everybody has been empty all burned,
And only the will says: "... Go!"
Trainee 6.
Stay, simple, conversing with kings.
Stay, honest, speaking to the crowd.
Be bold and direct with enemies and friends.
Let everyone in your hour are considered to you.
Fill every moment of meaning,
Hours and days of unrelenting running -
Then you take the whole world over.
Then, my son, thou shalt be a man.
Teacher offers in conclusion chorus recite the words: "Do not forget to give good. Educators, teacher and friend. It is true magic come back to you in a circle "
Teacher: Let me, dear guys, On this note, to conclude our homeroom and thank you all for participating. (In memory of this classy hour handed pupils of small gifts: Cards with best wishes from teachers and file folders)

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