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Medicine and fiction about abortion
The purpose of the conversation:
Education on the prevention of abortion - one of the most important sections of healthy lifestyles. The main purpose of it is to strengthen women's health, family planning management training, ensure a favorable outcome of pregnancy and childbirth for mother and newborn, and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and gynecological.
          In an interview must be said not only about abortion but also about the negative impact on the health of girls and boys of early sexual activity. Should they warn against frivolous casual relationships. Emphasize the possibility of contracting AIDS. The conversation should be an emotional and correct.
Duration: 45 minutes
          Venue: Audience Syzransky Medical College of Humanities.
Hardware: to organize an exhibition of medical, scientific and popular literature (brochures, magazines "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Health", etc.) with publications on abortion and its consequences, as well as select domestic and foreign fiction, which reflects the topic of conversation (sources indicated in the text), multimedia equipment.
Plan for:
          Chapter 1. Problem of abortion in fiction.
          Chapter 2. "Stray tales" (common misconceptions about conception).
          Chapter 3. There is an alternative to abortion! (contraception).
          List of references.


             Family planning, according to WHO, has a beneficial effect on the health, development and well-being of the whole family and is particularly important for the mother and child.
             Russian law gives a woman the right to decide the question of motherhood. In our country, contraceptive methods are not used for the purpose of birth control, but to its regulation, to prevent unwanted pregnancies and, ultimately, - prevention of abortion.
             Abortion is an important medical and social problem, because occupies a leading place among the causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. Despite the large number of known methods of contraception, abortion in our country remains the most popular method of family planning.
             All currently known methods of abortion can be divided into surgical and therapeutic. Most widespread in the world received a therapeutic abortion.
             Among the reasons that violate women's reproductive health is prominent abortion.
             Despite the widespread introduction in many countries of different family planning programs, the emergence of new, less dangerous for women's health contraception, abortion rates decreased slowly. In the world of 90-95 million births occurring 40-50 million abortions.
             Particular note is the fact that a growing proportion of young women resorting to abortion, including girls of school age (in recent years it has increased more than 3 times).
             Abortion is known since ancient times, when used for this purpose so-called abortive plants. But any act of abortion is always considered murder because the consciousness of people do not differentiate between a mature man and embryo. Therefore, in the Hippocratic Oath, which today is the oath all doctors, physician, the servant of life, confesses: "I'll never give a woman an abortive means."
             In the book, the Greek Metropolitan Meletios "Abortion" quoted Italian lawyer Raphael Ballestrini, said 100 years ago: "The surest proof of the complete moral decline of the people is that abortion would be considered commonplace and perfectly acceptable." And now, we do not believe abortion is a heinous crime, as once.
             But it is worth considering whether this is so. Referring to the examples fiction.

Abortion in fiction
             Education on the prevention of abortion - one of the most important sections of healthy lifestyles.
             The main purpose of it is to strengthen women's health, family planning management training, ensure a favorable outcome of pregnancy and childbirth for the mother and fetus (newborn), and the prevention of gynecological diseases.
             In many works of fiction touched on the problems insurmountable needs of women in motherhood, boundless love of parents to children, family tradition women with infertility.
             The challenge of preventing abortion concerns the entire population. Its successful solution in the family is exceptionally great role women around people. Very often when the first signs of pregnancy women do not know how to react to this message husband, mother-in-law. This largely determines the outcome of pregnancy. Often husbands even amicable families are eliminated ("leave") solutions from major family issues about the pregnancy or abort that indirectly pushes a woman to have an abortion.
             How not to think deeply lyrical "first poem" famous poet Margarita Aliger:
             "... I want you to smile,
             You to look good.
             Why are you then turned away,
             From whom did you then go?
             My output was simple and uncomplicated
             This operation is simple ...
             Boy, just like you,
             I would now growing up.
             He would grow and in some autumn
             Would wearing pants in the first;
             And he would have turned eight,
             And twelve years or more ... "
             Many women resort to abortion, are poorly informed about this operation. Often they do not have information about what it is removed from the uterus at the same time that the embryo is at different stages of pregnancy, when most often produced artificially interrupt her. Often they believe that during the operation of the uterus only removes mucus, blood clots and some shells.
             Women's useful to know that at the end of the second month of pregnancy the fetus reaches a length of 3-3.5 cm, his body was formed, there limb buds, head equal to the length of the trunk, her visible rudiments of eyes, nose, mouth, genitals formation begins.
             In cases where the issue of abortion intrafamily still not resolved, the knowledge of this information can sometimes tip the scales in favor of maintaining the pregnancy. With the same purpose can be used, for example, an excerpt from the work of contemporary American writer Arthur Hailey "Airport".
             "- ... And may I ask, Have you ever seen an abortive child - Harris asked - what is taken out of the womb?
             No, have not seen.
             -And I had one. He lay in a glass jar with formaldehyde in the closet at my friend - a doctor. I do not know where he took his only friend told me that if he had not aborted, would have made a normal baby boy. Yes, it was an embryo, as you say, and yet it was the small, perfectly formed man: funny face, legs, fingers, even a tiny penis.
             You know what I felt, looking at him? I felt ashamed. I thought, where's the hell I was, where they were all decent, yet not lost human feelings people have when doing the killing of defenseless creatures?
             - And you know - asked Harris - that eight weeks after conception, the embryo is already planned everything that is supposed to be a newborn baby? And the third month of the embryo looks like a child. "
             It is well known that after the abortion produced very many women regret their decision to terminate a pregnancy. The idea of ​​an approved fatal error often comes to them not only long after the abortion, but sometimes appears immediately after surgery or in the coming days.
             Often the young couple in the early family life in no hurry to have children and decide to abort come not planned pregnancy.
             Repeatedly encountered such a situation in life: first, the couple want to live "for himself", they prefer pregnancies abort, then, after many years, there is an idea that would be nice to have a baby, then amplified by concern that the child does not, there is fear to be alone forever.
             Woman begins to go to the doctors and persistently long treatment, but sometimes it does not bring the desired result. It is well known that even a single abortion may entail sterility, and the couple should know about it.
             Lack of a child widow spouses gradually complicates their relationship violates intra climate and could eventually lead to the disintegration of the family.
             "Calmer together" - so titled his poem A. Yashin.
             "We have not seen each other for many years,
             And he yells to his wife:
             -Come on, favorite lunch
             My friend came to me ...
             ...-Well, all right friends
             Look no where.
             Welcome to live! Where is the family?
             Yes, we, my friend, alone.
             How so alone? And where children?
             Asked and he is not happy,
             May be about big trouble
             Recalled at random.
             But each light in the eye looks:
             -We are living without children,
             A lot of work - he says
             Calmer together.
             Together ... - what is the house
             What, brother, family! ...
             And the hostess with a chill
             Looked, I admit.
             But, it seemed, and she
             A little confused.
             Sits, does not touch wine
             Happy wife. "
             Tragedy family left without children, is shown in the poem Horomorinoy L. "Ted."
             "At the family on board
             We decided once the third!
             The world shared among themselves,
             You and me - only two of us.
             Ted does not know,
             How to turn white in the garden cherries.
             Our land at dawn
             Will not see an extra third.
             Years passed quickly -
             Sedin, as the trace snowstorm.
             Children grow up kids -
             They realized: where's the third?
             It became clear that the "extra" third -
             He needed more of the world!
             With belated sad affection
             Alien clones to a wheelchair.
             Indifferently watching the stars ...
             All done. Think later "!
             Finally, we turn to a story by V. Rasputin "Live and Remember."
             "... They at first and did not think about the kids, just lived near each other, enjoying its proximity, and only. Child might even prevent this happiness. But then somehow gradually, stealthily, because only that there is a danger of eternal order violations pendulum family originated somewhere anxiety: what initially shunned and feared, now began to watch - will not be mud? As the months passed, nothing happened, and then grew impatient waiting, then in fear. For some years Andrew completely changed into a wall, became zanosistym, rude for no reason, no reason could swear, and later learned to grasp at his fists. Nastyona suffered ... Besides guilty in its share Nastyona considered herself ".
             Pay attention to community-acquired (criminal) abortion. They meet at the moment is not so often, but always pose a threat not only health, but also a woman's life.
             In the novel, Sholokhov's "And Quiet Flows the Don" amazingly strongly described the last hours of the life and death of Natalia from bleeding after criminal abortion produced "grandmother."
             "Pale as death Natalia, grabbing the railing, was rising heavily on the porch. The full moon shone brightly on her haggard face, sunken eyes, painfully arched eyebrows. She walked unsteadily as badly wounded beast, and where ever set her foot remained dark blood stains ...
             How scary ... Natalia changed overnight! It was a day ago, as a young apple tree in bloom - beautiful, healthy, strong, and now her cheeks looked whiter than chalk obdonkoy mountains, sharper nose, lips lost the recent bright freshness, become thinner and seemed barely covered the spread horseshoes teeth ...
             An hour later ... she became worse. She beckoned to her children, hugged them, the cross, kissed his mother and asked, so she took them to her ...
             Mishatka ... grabbed forefinger mother squeezed it in a hot cam for a minute, used and released. From the bed he went, somehow stepping on tiptoe, balancing his hands.
             Natalia to the door and watched him silently turned to the wall.
             In the afternoon she died. "
             In conclusion we can say that only a deep and serious love of man and woman is the source of true happiness, marriage provides strength, is the basis of a complete family.
             And this can be confirmed by the famous words of S. Shchipachev poem.
             "Strings of Love."
             "Know how to cherish love,
             Over the years - cherish doubly
             Love - no sighs on the bench
             And do not walk in the moonlight.
             Everything will be: newly-fallen snow and slush.
             After all, it is necessary to live a life together.
             Love a good song is similar,
             A song is not easy to put down. "
             The idea that true love is not afraid to test runs through the whole of world literature, and you can cause a variety of examples - from "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare and ending with works by contemporary Russian and foreign writers.

"Stray bikes"
             In Russia every 2 out of 3 pregnancies end in induced abortion. The worst thing is that the first abortion do quite young: more than 20 thousand women aged 15-19 every year decide to take this step, unaware that a serious health risk to future motherhood, women's happiness. It would seem that today women are so many opportunities to prevent an unwanted pregnancy - and hormonal pills and intrauterine devices and barrier contraceptives! Do not want a baby? Use any civilized means - and no problems! But do not use. Why?
             There are many different reasons and explanations, and one of them - not an elementary knowledge of the laws of physiology, which lives the female body.
             Yes, yes. As shown specifically conducted surveys, many of our compatriots just do not know when conception is most likely. They refuse to protect it when it most needed, helping wrongly, that pregnancy can not occur.
             1. Many firmly believe that from the first conception can occur. Only those who live regular sexual life ways to get pregnant.
             Perhaps this is the most dangerous delusion. Guided by them, young carefree "go to the contact" - and find themselves in "an interesting situation."
             Employees of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology conducted a survey of 400 young women - students of higher and secondary educational institutions. 80% of them admitted that at first intercourse did not use any contraception, considering them completely unnecessary. None of them did not know the truth: to get pregnant with the first attempt really.
             Remember: first menstruation (menarche) - evidence that she is ripe and ready to give birth. A study conducted in the United Kingdom has shown that during the first menstrual cycle of the pregnant women about 50%. Unless, of course, they are not protected. Save pregnancy at such a tender age for various reasons can not be practical. Most often it is artificially interrupt that, as known, gives the most severe complications, and often leads to infertility.
             2. Some firmly learned that danger "podzaletet" exists only in the middle of the menstrual cycle - at the time of ovulation. On other days you can safely indulge in amorous pleasures.
             Indeed, the conception is most likely when intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation or the day before. But the fact that the maturation and release of an egg is not always falls in the middle of the cycle. Due to many reasons timeline shifted: the egg matures it before, then after 4-5 days. Its "shelf life" is short for 12-24 hours. But sperm remain viable 3-7 days. Once in the female genital tract and hiding in a secluded corner of the mucosa, they literally lie in wait time of the meeting. That's why sometimes conception occurs when the "dangerous" days seemingly gone. British researchers claim that the probability of getting pregnant during the whole cycle is 20%, and in ovulatory period is increased to 50% or more. Rhythmic (or saline) method of protection, which is precisely the calculation is based on the "dangerous" and "safe" days, is effective in 75-80%. So what contraceptive insurance even safe days will not be superfluous.
             3. Many believe that the nursing mother not to get pregnant until breastfeeding.
             Alas, how many young mothers summed it "Grandma's devotion." Indeed, when a woman is breastfeeding, her body is hormonal changes, egg maturation processes are inhibited, "fold", and conception becomes impossible. But a physiological rule applies if the bab

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