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Common mistakes when choosing a profession
Objectives of the lecture:
Ø uncover errors that are most often allowed in choosing a profession;
Ø monitor students' knowledge of the labor market, occupations.
Ø Learn how to avoid mistakes, apply knowledge in practice;
Ø develop interest in the activities of vocational guidance;

Type lecture combined.
Forms and methods of lecture heuristic conversation, explanatory and illustrative.
Equipment: boards, posters relating to lectures, TCO (presentation, fragments of TV programs on the topic).
Plan of the lecture.
1. Organizing moment.
2. Professional plan;
3. Mistakes in choosing a profession
- Ignorance of himself;
- Lack of knowledge of the world of professions;
- Ignorance of the rules of choice of profession.
4. Answers to your questions
5. Summarizing lecture.

Progress lecture:

1. Organizing moment.
In the world there are so many professions, and choose the one and only for life is very difficult. No one is immune from mistakes. Sometimes we have to change several professions before you find one that is to your liking. "It's not mine. It's not for me. It's not for me. Not interested "- such statements are quite common. Man is not satisfied with the work, no desire to be creative, "to work, as on the block" - it leads to the erosion of spiritual forces, nervousness, makes people unhappy. Sometimes even a high salary does not bring satisfaction.
Question: Why is this happening? (Answers and reflections guys.)
Often wondered who to be, what occupation to choose modern high school students preparing for final examinations in secondary schools. Why is the problem of choice of profession is one of the most important in human life? Whether many believe that the profession is chosen once and for all life? The answer to these and many other issues related to professional self-determination reveal the rules for choosing a profession.
Sometimes people say experience is only acquired its own way, through their own mistakes. Sociologists estimate that approximately 40% of young people because of ignorance of the rules of choice of occupation, lack of experience in professional work profession elect not relevant to their interests, aptitudes and abilities, inner convictions.
As part of a comprehensive school has now introduced a system of vocational guidance. Its aim is to develop in students the ability to choose the scope of professional activity that best suits the personality characteristics and labor market demands.
Professional plan.
We should always remember that as a professional should be present fallback. Life is dynamic and changeable. Towards the realization of this goal can be unexpected obstacles: the failure of the entrance exams to university, an unexpected decline in demand for the chosen profession, lack of economic opportunities, moving to another place of residence and more.
In such situations, experts recommend to use a premeditated fallback plan professional, always come back to the realization of the planned perspective.
Professional plan can be represented schematically as a constituent: "I want", "I can", "should".
  The plan - to identify "What I want to do?", "What do I want to be?" That is, it reflects the verbal creative thinking "I want".
Self-knowledge, its features, capabilities, health records are closely related to "I can." And the image of "must" include knowledge of the professional sphere and identify the necessary ways and means of goal.
Rational relationship images "want" - "I" - "must" makes a conscious choice of profession, and a deep knowledge of their subject content ensures the success of a professional plan.
We should always remember that as a professional should be present fallback. Life is dynamic and changeable. Towards the realization of this goal can be unexpected obstacles: the failure of the entrance exams to university, an unexpected decline in demand for the chosen profession, lack of economic opportunities, moving to another place of residence and more.
  Mistakes when choosing a profession
We are all well aware, choosing future profession should try to avoid making mistakes. Knowing these mistakes will help you avoid them in the selection process.
There are 3 groups of mistakes made when choosing a career:
· Ignorance itself;
· Lack of knowledge of the world of professions;
· Ignorance of the rules of choice of profession.
Ignorance itself
1.Neobektivnaya assessment of their abilities (overstatement or understatement) It is necessary to develop the ability to adequately and critically evaluate them.
Example: unsociable person retiring manager chooses a profession that requires constant communication with people.
Installer little radio read blueprints - need to focus, shape memory, resistance to repetitive work.
"Talent is composed of 1% inspiration and 99% hard work" - Thomas Edison.
2.Neznanie their health;
Many cases where a special interest in the profession and the development of personal skills to meet professional requirements contradict medical condition.
Example: myopia (always have to wear glasses) - it is not desirable to work with drawings, assembly chips, cut stones, are contraindicated printing profession (typesetter, printer, offset), etc. - Myopia will progress. Schools require a medical certificate.
3.Neumenie and sometimes unwillingness to relate their abilities with the requirements of the profession.
Understand yourself you help professional counselors, parents, teachers, comrades. May also be useful psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on the topic of popular psychology. However, bear in mind that many of them are unprofessional, so that both are critical to the test results, and to what they say in psychology books. Problem popular tests - revitalization of self-help (self-observation, self-reflection) and not issue you a ready answer to the question of who to be or labeling of what you do.

Ignorance of the world trades.
One reason for the wrong choice of profession - lack of awareness about the world of professions. First of all:

4.Otnoshenie to choice of profession as unchanging.
Within any business, there is a change occupations, positions with increasing human qualifications. At the same time the greatest successes reaches someone who was well past the initial stages. Analyze the situation on the labor market. Please note that every year there are new profession. Be prepared for the fact that you have to regularly upgrade their qualifications, develop related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of profession now in the 11th grade, all fatally determine your destiny. Change the selection to acquire new specialist will make you a valuable specialist, claimed in interdisciplinary areas. First job, even if you change your mind and then find something more attractive, useful in unexpected situations. For example, the first formation of an art lawyer to help his second education understand the complex issues of inheritance antiquities ...

5.Ustarevshee idea of ​​the nature and conditions of employment in a particular occupation.
  In recent years, many professions related to the servicing of computer networks (programmer, system administrator), advertisements (promoultery, supervisors, etc.), trade (managers), business and finance. Fixer-operator machines and apparatus, the changing nature of work. Manager at a metallurgical plant, etc. Almost all professions change its former appearance, often hiding behind the old name new character work. Therefore, it is necessary to get all the information about the future profession.

6.Predubezhdeniya against prestige occupations.
  The notion of prestige, as fashion comes and goes. Example: In the 60-teens profession geologist or engineer designer were very popular. Some applicants in choosing a profession based on the prestige and popularity. It's no secret that in our country work involving physical labor is not considered prestigious and suitable only for those whom nature that would supposedly not awarded outstanding mental abilities. That is why the majority of school graduates aiming to lawyers, economists, journalists, etc., and after graduation finds it hard to work in their fields. Representatives of the same "is not prestigious" specialties working quite a bit, but their services are in demand and highly paid. In recent years, the same demand and popular professions related to programming, Internet technology and computer technology work. Thus, the prestige of the profession depends on the state of the labor market.
Question: What does "a prestigious profession" for you? (The students' answers).
It would be better to determine for themselves the nature and conditions of work.
Ignorance of the rules of choice of profession.
7. Identification of the subject with the profession
There is such a thing as a foreign language, and whose profession requires a lot of capacity for language - translator, guide, telephonist international communication, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, we must remember what a real occupation and profession in this subject are. Look through the newspaper with vacancies (there is usually indicated what kind of education is required for a particular job). For example, people with linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" in school) can work and teacher, and translator, and editor, and seretarem-referent. Especially bear in mind that there are more jobs than school subjects. Say, the future economist at school might like both math and geography.
8.Perenos relationship to the person on the profession
  When choosing a profession is necessary to consider first of all features of this type of activity, and not to choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who engaged in the activity. Especially dangerous charm teacher (if you admire sincerity physics - it does not mean that you like physics itself, is "set"). Moreover, often the guys make the mistake of trying to get a profession idol - athletes, politicians, journalists, and artists. Athletes - they are not all like that.
9. Choosing a career "for the company"
It is not necessary to adjust to the best friend and go to a particular school because he plans to arrive there. Usually commit such a mistake is not very self-confident people who have the need for constant companion, counselor and mentor. If this situation is familiar to you, consider this: if you are interested in one or another specialty, whether it suits your personality, health status, as you were given school subjects to be studied in detail in high school? If you think carefully about the issue and concluded that the chosen another institution does not suit you, do not take it as a tragedy. Your friendship will not stop just because one becomes a doctor, and you, for example, a designer. Example: Bob is on fire, it is a risky and decisive man, and Kohl's, following him, but by nature very cautious and prudent. As a result, Bob will still be a fireman, Kohl unlikely.

10. Inability to identify ways to get a profession.

Choosing a profession related to the process of decision making. Decision making in general many people are given difficult. Play a role here, and certain personality traits (eg, indecision, uncertainty), and lack of awareness, and inability to weigh the "pros" and "cons" and stay on the single most acceptable solution. Thus it is necessary to cut off the other, may be tempting, but little real or have long-term adverse effects options. Some people even prefer to make decisions for them by someone else.
So, when choosing a career you need:
1. Able to navigate a large amount of professions.
2. Decide to their advantage. Visit excursions to enterprises.
3. Know which schools can get this or that profession. Visit open houses.
4. Having primary and fallback profvybora (in case you will not be able to implement his plan.)
5. Having (if possible) the experience of professional samples: either watch the workday representative attractive profession (need to watch the whole day), or even to try to work a little in this area.
6. Assess their capabilities and abilities as well as their compliance with those requirements, which makes the profession.
7. Having information about employment after completing their education.
Summarizing lecture.
Front conversation with students.

What's new found at a lecture?
Do I need to adhere to certain knowledge when choosing a career?
Always possible to avoid mistakes when choosing a career?
Analyze the lecture to make the necessary observations and make suggestions.

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