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Theme homeroom: "Bread around the head"
Bread - one of the largest discoveries
in the history of mankind. he
so need a man that barely
born in the world, we are no longer
can not do without it. And so all
                                                         VN Craft


     Instilling love, respect and caring attitude to bread Foster respect for the work of a farmer;


     Develop interest in the national culture;
     Generate a sense of pride in the rich cultural heritage of our people;
     Nurture healthy eating habits;

The event begins with guessing riddles:
Our wealth and good -
Not gold and silver,
And the fact that every day you eat,
When he is magnificent, round and fresh. (Bread)
- And what is the bread? (This is a necessary food product, which is needed to man each day.)
- I guys, I'll tell you a little about the history of bread.
             Approximately 15,000 years ago, people first learned cereals. They collected them and ate raw. Then learned how to rub the grain stones and mix them with water. Archaeologists have found that the first bread was in the form of porridge; then began to bake cakes of porridge. In addition to grain cereals, cakes, our ancestors learned to separate the grain from the ears and grill them on the heated stones. They realized that the parched grain delicious raw and it came to the idea of ​​the "oven" bread and bannock bread was the precursor, which was prepared from wheat flour and long maintained its flavor. Before eating it just was slurried in water. It took a lot more time to people, because of their experience and practice began to make bread from fermented dough.

             Egyptians became pioneers of bread, and then through the Greeks and Romans, this method was in Europe.

             The main crops are wheat, rye, millet, oats, barley. Rye initially perceived as a weed in wheat fields. But over time tillers noticed that when the weather was dying from wheat, rye saved people from starvation. So she became a favorite of farmers.

             Since ancient times, bread was the staple food. For a piece of bread the people went to distant lands. Sometimes the crust of bread saved man from starvation. At a difficult time for the country, when not enough flour to feed the people, it was a war, after the war, people were forced to add to the dough different impurities: the bark of trees, potatoes, quinoa, clover, raspberry leaves. Then for hungry people this bitter bread was sweeter than honey. He was respected, cherished, treasured them, he was appreciated.

             Baking bread was very laborious. His baked mostly women. And the woman making bread in the house enjoyed special respect. In the morning she faced a demanding job: knead the dough, knead it this well, so that it was separated from the hand, then put again to wander (came), and then the dough is divided into equal parts, of which formed the loaves and put in oven . A determined willingness to ringing bread - the bread out of the oven bottom tapped. Well-baked bread rang like a tambourine.

     About respect for bread and its creator says a lot: a legend about bread .................
     About bread written many short stories, poems, tales ........................
     QUIZ on "FROM TO loaf cheesecake" ....................
     Proverbs .........................

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